David Hebbard is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with him. He impressed us with his experience.
He understands how the human mind works and most importantly, he understands how to dive beyond the thinking and into the subconscious where the real work happens, if we talk about transformation.
He consumed over 20,000 hours of books, audiobooks, YouTube, podcasts, and over 10,000 hours researching different processes to understand how the conscious and subconscious mind work.
Now he is dedicated to helping people discover who they really are and become the best possible versions of themselves. Here is what he said.
Meet Life Coach David Hebbard:

Name: David Hebbard
Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind
Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to better understand themselves and become their best self.
How they can help: Through active and deep listening and using tools like hypnotherapy, Reiki, and sound healing if it’s required.
First of all, how are you and your family doing in these Pandemic times?
My family did pretty well in these times of the pandemic as it didn’t affect us as much, and we could work with it because it didn’t affect our state where I live too severely.
How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?
During the pandemic, I put my coaching on hold because one of my children started to go through a mental illness that was not due to the pandemic.
What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?
Humanity needs to develop more kindness and compassion towards each other as the pandemic divided many people.
We need to learn to love one another regardless of someone’s choices.
The Origin:
Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?
I am a holistic coach with a diploma in clinical hypnotherapy, level 2 reiki, and a yoga teacher.
I have consumed over 20,000 hours of books, audiobooks, YouTube, podcasts, and 10,000 hours researching different processes.
I was drawn to helping people because of the changes in my life, and over the last seven plus years, I have been developing new ways to understand, see and live life from my true self and to have inner peace, contentment, and emotional well being.
What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?
I had to take responsibility for being close minded, stuck in my limiting thinking, and not being happy in my life.
The Coaching Style:
How do you innovate with coaching your clients?
I see beyond the limited thinking and system with compassion and a level of deep listening and support to create change from the inside out view of life.
I believe everyone is unique and can be the best version of themselves. I aim to help people escape the limited conditioning that holds them to society’s status quo.
What’s unique about your coaching approach?
My approach to coaching means pointing my client back to understanding how life and our minds work, and it is not about fixing the surface level problem like a bandaid.
It is working with the body, mind, and spirit as a whole, doing the deep inner work, and hearing beyond the words to tap into the internal resources in all areas of their life.
It points them back to discover their true selves again and enjoy life.
What benefits do your clients get after working with you?
With transformation, support, and connection, they feel appreciated, accepted, and understood and will be the best version of themselves.
Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?
Deep listening, time, and I respond to what shows up at the moment.
If I’m out of my head, I can hear beyond the words and that way, I am in a place to use any other tools like hypnotherapy, Reiki, and sound healing if it’s required.
The Impact:
If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?
My vision is to globally bring an innovation to support, teach and share with compassion to everyone.
No one is left behind as we aim for everyone to learn, to grow in all areas of life, connect to their inner teacher, and be the best version of themselves.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?
Live with compassion and kindness and never stop growing as a spiritual being.
Be open to growth and continue to learn to be a better person.
Your final thoughts?
When we all learn to tap into our innate intelligence, it gives us exactly what we need, when we need it, in the contexts we need it.
Everything happens for a reason, and it is everyone’s responsibility to continue two grow and learn through any situations we have in life.
Anything in life can be learned even if you have not learned it before, you can start today and learn it now.
For example, if you want to be better in the relationship with your partner, you can begin to learn to do that.
Where Can You Find David Hebbard?
If you liked this interview and you would love to become the best version of yourself, go to https://davidhebbard.com/ and see how David can help you.
You can get a glimpse of his coaching on his Instagram account or his YouTube channel where you can find coaching videos with huge amount of value in each.
If you want to connect with him directly, you can do that via his Facebook or LinkedIn profiles. It was an honor having this interview with him.