6 Ways How to Reach the Flow State While Writing Creative Essays


Reaching the art of zen in writing is an aspiration for many writers.

That’s because it means they’ve attained the pinnacle, where their writing muse provides constant inspiration and their creative juices keep flowing.

The creative flow is critical for any writer because cranking up a winning piece is impossible with writer’s block.

Thus, an author tapping into the flow state or entering the zen zone while writing greatly matters.

This is especially true for creative writers who rely on facts and imagination.

In psychology, reaching the flow state means an individual is fully immersed and focused in the moment, resulting in pure enjoyment and better outcomes.

From amateur students doing requirements to pros doing this as a career, writers need to achieve this kind of mad genius to be genuinely prolific with good outputs. Here’s how to reach the flow state when writing creative essays.

6 Ways How to Reach the Flow State While Writing:


1. Pinpoint the Most Productive Time of Day.

When people are in their most productive zone and hit a creative mojo, they churn out work at warp speed.

They optimize time and their talents to produce quality results.

They can use an essay editor service to polish their drafts during downtimes.

It’s a sure way to have a flawless piece.

Individuals work with different circadian cycles.

Some have a late night chronotype, meaning they hit a creative peak at night when everything is dark and quiet.

Meanwhile, some early birds achieve full creativity when fresh out of bed.

There are also mid day blue jays who get a surge in the middle of the day.

There’s no right or wrong in body rhythm, and writers must do what works best for their unique psyche.

Some people have distractions at home, pending work deadlines, prior evening commitments, etc.

Thus, creative writers need to identify the hours when they can be the most productive.

2. Stick to the Most Optimal Schedule.

When writers figure out the time when they can be most prolific, they must protect it at all costs.

Block that sacred time in the calendar and give ample time to complete any work.

Most writers can’t just snap their fingers and enter the zone.

At times, they need to ease into it with brainstorming.

At this point, it would help to eliminate all types of distractions.

Setting creative boundaries is essential to make progress with the flow.

Take note of the following suggestions:

Mute notifications for emails and social media.

Turn off the phone to avoid calls and other messages.

Resist temptation like watching TV, browsing social media, or going to streaming sites.

Inform critical people about being unreachable at certain times.

3. Set Self Up for Success with Mini Goals.

Whether someone has a work deadline or an essay for school, it’s important to set mini goals.

Tackling a writing assignment in one sitting is a very daunting task that would freak out even professional writers.

It is possible to get something done in an hour, especially when there’s a deadline looming on the horizon.

However, this kind of pressure will kill the flow.

Thus, individuals should write down small goals since baby steps are not as overwhelming as one giant leap.

Moreover, people are less likely to fail when they set incremental objectives instead of one primary target.

There’s less energy and stress with mini goals.

Examples of these are:

Researching the topic.

Brainstorming a catchy hook.

Making an outline.

Choosing the best headlines.

Proofreading and editing.

4. Always Seek Out Creative Inspiration.

Those who experience writer’s block often feel frustrated because it dampens the writing process and kills their output.

Those who are desperate for inspiration need to do something different.

Getting out of one’s comfort zone may help untangle the block and restore the creative flow.

Check out these helpful suggestions for finding a burst of inspiration:

Switching locations, like going to a coffee shop.

Taking a break and spending the day in an amusement park.

Listening to a podcast.

Going out into the great outdoors and soaking up the sun.

Reading an inspiring book.

There are many ways to get back into an active flow state.

Sometimes, the strangest places can provide that much needed zing and inspiration.

Besides, doing something different offers a fresh perspective and offers new insight.

5. Make a Creative Space for Optimal Performance.

Although writing is a personal endeavor that stems from the mind and emotions, a person’s physical space can influence their output.

For example, someone in a cluttered environment with lots of distractions may find it hard to feel a burst of creative inspiration.

That’s why writers must carefully curate their creative container like a home office.

Here are some tips for that:

Use aromatherapy diffusers with lavender oils that calm the mind.

Have tea or water on hand to stay hydrated.

Turn off all gadget notifications to prevent distractions.

Put in calming music to get into the flow.

Those who use co working spaces, the library, or even a coffee shop can set up their creative container.

There’s such a thing as noise canceling headsets to drown out the noise.

Alternatively, they can also play their favorite Spotify playlist for inspiration.

Instead of a diffuser, they can rub the oil directly onto their temples to forge that calm feeling.

6. Remember That Practice Makes Perfect.

Finally, writing is like a muscle that needs flexing for continuous improvement.

The more people write, the easier it will become because the brain, eyes, and fingers get used to all the motions.

Repetition has benefits because there’s truth to the timeless adage that practice makes perfect.

For the best outcomes, aspiring authors must write fun stuff instead of focusing on work or school related deadlines.

Writing should be fun so that individuals don’t feel pressured and overwhelmed.

Those who want to get into the zone need to incorporate things they feel passionate about.

Most of all, consistent practice is the best remedy for combating writer’s block.

As much as possible, writers must avoid writing at the 11th hour because there’s nothing like an immediate deadline that kills productivity.

Procrastination kills creativity, so doing work early and consistently practicing is what individuals need to keep their focus and ensure their writer flow is always on and seamlessly flowing.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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