3 Ways How to Have More Self Love: Embrace Your Self and Become Your Own Best Friend!


By Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer.

Did you know that we are unable to love another if we do not love ourselves first?

There is a reason that airlines say, “In case of a drop in cabin pressure, place your oxygen mask on your face first and then help and assist others with theirs.”

They realized that we tend to want to care for others first and put ourselves second or not even on the list of things to do.

Too often we tend to look outside ourselves to validate our existence, our value and even our self worth.

We have detached ourselves from who we are individually in the name of fitting in, being accepted, and worthy.

In fact, we have given our true innate personal power away to something outside of ourselves instead of coming within, connecting with, and embracing the very thing that will establish as a foundation for a great relationship with our self: our inner wisdom and knowledge.

Self Love is Not Selfishness!

I believe that Codependency is rampant because many of us were taught as a youngster to put others before ourselves or take care of others first and our needs were not important or necessary.

And if we thought of putting ourselves first, we were described as being “Selfish”.

Does this sound familiar?

I thought so.

Worry not… by loving yourself first, you are not being selfish!

It is mandatory for your overall wellbeing and spiritual wellness, and of course, Self Care!

You are learning one of the foundational keys to becoming your own best friend and to create a relationship with yourself.

When you take care of yourself first, you give to others from the overflow that you have created for yourself instead of running on empty and depleting yourself, then becoming resentful, angry, and crabby.

What are you doing to create more self love for yourself?

3 Ways How to Have More Self Love:


Here are some mini keys to having more self love in your life:

1. Schedule some time with yourself to do whatever you would like to do.

Get off the grid… no cell phones, no email, no computer or anything electronic for an hour.

Read that book you have been meaning to read.

Take that one hour long bath.

Schedule yourself a spa day for the full “Monty”: mani, pedi, massage, and facial

Or even do nothing, stay in your pajamas all day and binge on Netflix, my personal favorite!

2. Learn to say “NO” without guilt, or feeling shamed, and absolutely mean it.

Do the things that you desire to do, instead of doing things from obligation

This is about boundaries and honoring them, in particular yours!

If guilt and shame come up when you set boundaries, lovingly explore why this is so. No beating self up.

A deeper dive into why this is so, may be a pivotal healing moment for yourself, allowing you to stand in your personal power.

3. I invite you to start a mindful activity.

This can be anything that allows you to be in the present moment.

Being in Nature, Working on a Hobby, or craft, walking your pet ,etc.

My favorite is to sit in silence and go with in.

It allows me to reintegrate into my body, to bring me into the present moment.

Surprisingly, I seem to get more done in a shorter amount of time after my mindful activity.

Remember you are an amazing person, worthy of having everything you choose to have and be.

It’s really about creating an extraordinary relationship with yourself.

“The longest relationship you will have in your life, is the one you have with yourself. Make it extraordinary!” — Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisper.

Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP, Nurse Practitioner Medical Intuitive and Energy Whisperer

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Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, an International Amazon Best Selling Author, TV, Podcast, and Radio host. With over 45 years-experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assist people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible. Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness. She is the author of 5 books, two which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her latest book “Your Amazing Itty Bitty Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible Book” became an Amazon Best Seller October 2022. Dr. Dolores Fazzino is the host of The Dr Dolores Show, a TV, Radio, Podcast with Inspired Choices Network (ICN) streaming to over 300 platforms globally. Contact her at: 760-579-2440
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