Find Life Coach | Meet Jennifer Wren Tolo: How to Hear The Magical Messages of Your Soul?


Jennifer Wren Tolo, RN, is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her approach to wellness and her deep wisdom.

She started her coaching career after going through serious health issues with her son and awakening to the massive gaps in the healthcare industry.

She is a former critical care nurse, she always used her deep intuition and ability to connect with others so she can better help them. But with her new awakening she embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between Western healthcare and Holistic healing.

She has a podcast, she is an author, and she is active on social media. But her productivity was not always powered by her soul’s divine purpose. Instead, it was driven by her belief that she was not good enough or important. She was in a life sucking loop, something she calls “frenzied doing”, trying to be more and do more to the expense of herself. That all changed once she reconnected with her soul. Now she helps people connect with the deepest parts of themselves and hear the magical messages of their mind, body and spirit so they can take back their power over their health and happiness. Her approach is unique and customized to each individual. Here is what she said.

Meet Life Coach Jennifer Wren Tolo:


Name: Jennifer Wren Tolo

Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind, The Body

Who is this coach for: High achieving busy women who need to learn to manage their stress and connect with the magical messages of their mind, body and spirit so they can take back their power over their health and happiness.

How they can help: Through various tools and techniques like reiki and energy healing, guided meditation, oracle cards, channeling spirit guides, science and medical knowledge as well as movement exercises, muscle testing, herbs and some supplements, just to name a few.

First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?

We are well and continuing to adjust and transform.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

The pandemic created more fear, uncertainty and feeling of powerlessness in my clients.

This inspired me to get my courses and talks up online so I can help them feel more centered, more connected to self in the present moment, to help them let go of the things they can not control and learn to trust the process, to hear and trust the magical messages in midst of the mess, to be open to the growth and possibilities for deeper connection to self, to kids, to HOW they work and to the deeper purpose within the challenges and uncertainty.

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

The biggest lessons I learned were:

1. There is always a lesson, a message in the challenge, we need to be open to them.

2. I am not in control of anyone or anything other than myself, my actions, my thoughts and my reactions in the present moment.

3. Things do not happen in my timing, but in Divine Timing.

4. We must be willing to evolve, change and find new ways of doing things versus cling to old and known ways.

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

As a former critical care nurse, I have always used my strong intuition, natural ability to connect with others, and drive to nurture to help others.

However, I had to learn how to balance caring for myself with caring for my family as well as understanding science, but trusting my intuition when one of my four sons had a massive neonatal stroke and another had high risk leukemia.

I was awakened to the gaps in healthcare and started a company, Butterfly Family Wellness, to help bridge these gaps.

I help bridge the gaps between Western medicine and Holistic Healing, between self care and caring for others, between decisions based on science and trusting intuition.

I help high achieving busy women meeting the perceived demands of others at the expense of their own wellbeing learn to manage their stress and connect with the messages of their mind, body and spirit so they can take back their power over their health and happiness.

In addition to being a Reiki master, whole health educator and coach, I am the author of bestselling book, “Family Fuel: A Busy Mom’s Guide to Healthy Living“.

I am an adjunct professor at Endicott College School of Nursing where I teach Holistic and Complementary Approaches to Health and Healing.

I help students learn to manage their stress and connect with their power in the present moment.

I am a speaker and host of the podcast, Simple Awakenings: Finding Clarity in the Chaos.

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

The biggest obstacles that I had to overcome was the belief system that drove me to frenzied doing: to do more, be more, show up more and give more at the expense of myself.

This was the belief system that I was not enough or important.

This is what drove me to exhaustion, illness and a feeling of being alone as I had trouble letting others help me.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

I use my personal and professional knowledge and experience to meet clients where they are as well as use my intuition and spiritual connection to help connect on a deeper level to what is at the core or root of thoughts and behaviors throwing them out of balance.

I help clients uncover the hidden stressors in their life so they can become aware of their thoughts, habits and choices that are throwing them out of balance.

I help clients connect to the messages in their mind, body and spirit so they can become empowered with knowledge and techniques to make conscious choices and intentional decisions based on what their mind, body and spirit needs in the moment.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

My coaching approach is unique in that I draw on my medical knowledge as well as my spiritual and intuitive connection and understanding of the energy body to help me peel back the superficial layers and get to the heart or core of what is creating imbalance.

I look to find the hidden stressors, the belief systems that drive our choices and habits and I help take all of the various puzzle pieces impacting a persons life and connect them to see a clear picture.

I help clients connect with the messages, the whispers of their mind, body and spirit so they can unlock their own magical messages and find what it is they need in the moment to be well.

I start with tools to reset the nervous system and get out of fight or flight so my clients can access their higher brain function and higher self.

This is where they can begin to take back their power over their health and happiness.

I empower them with insight, tools and strategies to reset their thoughts, their body response and connect them to the “why” behind their choices.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

There are three main benefits people get from working with me:

1. More moments of calm and peace in the chaos of life.

2. More Clarity about what you need, and what your family needs to be healthy, happy, and well.

3. More or deeper connection to yourself, to your kid, to your work, and to your purpose.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

I use reiki and energy healing, guided meditation, oracle cards, channeling spirit guides, science and medical knowledge as well as muscle testing, herbs and some supplements.

I sometimes use energy stones, sound and movement as well.

I connect energetically and spiritually with my clients but do so from a grounded, real and respectful place.

I only go as far as your spirit will allow in each session, but, once you trust me, we can go far and start to transform you to who you want to be.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

Stop focusing on future outcomes, or the past and start focusing on the present moment because that is where your power lies.

Stop trying to control outcomes, other people’s thoughts, actions or choices as you only have control over you… your thoughts, actions, reactions and choices.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

The greatest lesson I have learned is the infinite power of connection, to self, to my kids, to my intuition and soul guidance and to my purpose and intention behind every choice.

When we are connected, spiritually, we can live our lives with purpose, integrity and in alignment with our soul.

Your final thoughts?

There is no size fits all or one program fits all.

I pride myself on connecting with each and every client and finding the unique roadmap to help them drive themself from where they are to where they want to go.

I do not heal or fix others, I simply empower them by helping them find the key, the tools, to unlock who they are truly meant to be.

Where Can You Find Jennifer Wren Tolo?

If you liked this interview and if you would love to connect with the deepest parts of your soul and hear your magical messages, go to and see how Jennifer can help you do that.

Get her FREE masterclass here!

If you’d like to get a glimpse of her coaching, follow her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Make sure to subscribe to her podcast.

If you’d like to connect more personally with her, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sending her a direct message on her Email [email protected]. It was an honor having this interview with her.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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