What Are the Top 10 Nations in Terms of Prevalence of Alcoholism?


Alcoholism is the most severe form of alcohol abuse where someone is incapable of managing their drinking habits.

It’s an addiction, and like most addictions, it requires professional help.

While it’s possible to find alcoholics all over the world, these 10 countries have the highest incidences of alcoholism.

Top 10 Nations with Highest Alcoholism Score:


1. Hungary

In Hungary, more than 21% of the population struggle with alcohol abuse.

Although Hungarians aren’t the heaviest drinkers, they do drink very regularly.

And the number of Hungarians who are drinking regularly is steadily growing, which has led to a growing need for outpatient rehab for alcohol treatment.

Hungary boasts the lowest alcohol prices in the European Union.

2. Russia

Russia is known for its vodka, and 20.9% of its population has an addiction to alcohol.

Drinking is pervasive and socially acceptable.

Alcohol is a major revenue stream for the Russian government.

Russians consume 10.42 liters of pure alcohol per capita according to the World Health Organization.

3. Belarus

Belarusians have a high prevalence of alcoholism with 18.8% of the population suffering.

Alcohol related deaths affect on average 20,000 Belarusians each year.

In 2010, this small country had the highest rate of alcohol consumption in the world.

The government has implemented policies and initiatives, like prohibiting the sale of fortified fruit wines known as “ink,” to curb the problem, but it has done little to alleviate alcoholism.

4. Latvia

Latvia has a high incidence of alcoholism at 15.5%.

The Latvian climate is well suited to growing grains more so than wine grapes, so the main spirit of choice is vodka.

In 2019, Latvia had an alcohol consumption rate of 12.9 liters of pure alcohol per capita.

This rate peaked at 13.2 liters per capita in 2018.

5. Slovenia

In 2023, Slovenia ranked fifth in the top five alcoholic countries in the world with nearly 14% of its population suffering from alcoholism.

The death rate associated with alcoholism is considerably higher than that of the entire European Union.

Alcoholism and alcohol consumption has proven to be such a burden on the Slovenian economy that they began an annual “40 Days Dry” campaign in 2019 to encourage citizens not to consume any alcohol for the 40 days leading up to Lent.

6. USA

Nearly 14% of Americans suffer from alcoholism.

And when it comes to preventable deaths, alcoholism ranks third.

Alcohol related diseases and conditions like liver and heart disease are common among alcoholics, as are fatal accidents that occur as a result of drunk driving and engaging in other dangerous activities while intoxicated.

7. South Korea

Like the USA, nearly 14% of South Koreans are alcoholics.

A custom referred to as hoesik is very commonplace for many South Korean companies.

Hoesik means eating and drinking with colleagues.

It’s been reported that Koreans throw back 13.7 shots of liquor each week.

8. Poland

Close to 13% of Polish citizens do not have their drinking habits under control.

Drinking is a social activity and it is a big part of many Polish traditions.

One of the most popular vodkas in the world is Polish Żubrówka. 

9. Estonia

Estonia’s economy has been steadily growing and Estonians are earning more.

With this increase has come more alcohol consumption.

With alcohol being easily accessible in Estonia, just over 12% of Estonians are alcoholics.

In fact, most people are less than 10 minutes away from an alcohol retailer and the spirits are priced to sell.

10. Slovakia

Slovakia is on par with Estonia with a little over 12% of the population suffering from alcoholism.

Drinking is a deeply rooted part of the culture and almost every celebratory occasion calls for alcohol.

In Slovakia a standard shot is 50 mL, meanwhile, almost everywhere else it’s 44 mL.

What You Should Remember?

There is help for those who suffer from alcoholism.

As we said, alcoholism is an addiction, and there are experts that can help you free from the chains of addiction.

Some of the more common treatments include counseling, ketamine therapy, medication, and medically assisted detoxification.

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, reach out to a trained professional to discover what treatment options are right for you.

You can find a coach trained to help with addiction in our growing database of coaches.

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