The Fascinating Psychology of a Gambler: The Weak and Strong Points


Gamblers can be categorised in a variety of ways.

While the numbers vary from study to study, it is widely accepted that around 96% of gamblers are classified as recreational gamblers while the label of problem gambler applies to the remaining 4%.

Both of these categories can be broken down further into an array of sub categories.

If you were to walk into a bustling casino and get to know all of the players, you would discover that those people are there for different reasons.

Even though a common denominator would be the prospect of winning money, you’d find that it goes much deeper than that.

In a lot of cases, the folks you meet will tell you that it boils down to entertainment.

They enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes with a win regardless of the size of it.

They are just trying to have a bit of fun.

Of course, those aren’t the only reasons.

The Fascinating Psychology of a Gambler:



You are also likely to run into players who partake in gambling activities out of a sense of competitiveness.

When they bet on sports or play games of skill like poker, making the correct reads and the right choices brings a lot of satisfaction.

It provides the player with a confidence boost.

However, in terms of gambling, a competitive nature can be both a blessing and a curse.

While a competitive personality might drive a person to hone their skills and improve their knowledge, it can also result in a win at all costs approach that can sometimes lead to unethical and irresponsible behaviour.


For some people, gambling provides an opportunity to socialise with others.

Take a person who plays in a weekly poker game with the same group.

To that person, the poker game itself might take a backseat to the banter and overall camaraderie.

Interestingly, this applies to online casinos as well.

Just like one of our editors. Such individuals follow a familiar pattern: He selected casinos with accessible payment methods, like the ones here with bank transfers:

Then, he headed to the live casino section, picked a game, blackjack, and engaged in chat with the live dealer, paying little mind to the game itself.

But, according to our editor, this train of thought also has drawbacks.

For instance, the player might concentrate too much on interacting with other players instead of paying attention to what’s going on in the game.

This can be costly (trust us).

An Escape

There’s nothing wrong with taking a short break from the pressures and obligations of everyday life.

For some people, this means going to a movie, participating in sports, or taking a much needed vacation.

Well, gambling offers the same type of respite.

The thing is, reality is always waiting for you when you walk out of the theatre or when you return from your holiday.

Sadly, some people prefer to keep their heads in the sand by continuing to gamble instead of solving their problems.


It doesn’t matter what your motivations for gambling are.

Anyone who does it risks losing control.

It can lead to the type of compulsive and obsessive behaviour that can ruin lives and careers.

On various platforms where experienced casino analysts write, like here:, you often come across genuinely helpful advice on choosing a gaming budget, how to stop playing and who to turn to if gaming becomes a problem.

But the most important thing, even before starting to play, is to understand for oneself: gambling addiction is a real threat.

Gambling addicts have very little or no control at all over their destructive behaviour even if they know that it’s a serious problem.

Gambling is no longer fun when things reach this stage.

It’s worth noting that compulsive gambling is often a sign of other serious psychological disorders like anxiety or depression.

While gambling addiction and other compulsive behaviours have led many good and bright people down dark holes, they can escape the grip with the proper support.

What You Should Remember?

A person’s psychology influences their gambling behaviour although other factors like age, gender, and socio economic status also play a role.

Even though the overall percentage of problem gamblers is small, that seemingly minuscule 4% represents tens of millions of people all over the world.

These people started gambling for a wide range of reasons, but they all share one common characteristic.

They do not have control over their actions as far as gambling is concerned.

At least they don’t anymore.

If you or someone you know is showing signs of unhealthy gambling behaviour, just know that help is available. You can look and find addiction experts in our growing database of coaches here.

Everyone can use a helping hand when it comes to addiction.

This may be a cliché, but the message is as relevant as ever in an age in which gambling is so easily accessible and more socially acceptable.

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