Struggling with Alcoholism? Discover 5 Great Recovery Programs that Aren’t Alcoholics Anonymous


Many individuals struggle with alcoholism these days.

Some turn to AA for help.

However, some people are not such big fans of certain aspects of AA, and they may look for other options if they’re trying to get clean.

Ventura addiction treatment and sober living are always possible for individuals who live in the area and want other options besides Alcoholics Anonymous.

Let’s look at some other programs that have established a positive reputation in this niche…

5 Great Recovery Programs for People Struggling with Alcoholism:


1. Modern Management Support Groups

This is an option that is pretty different from most of the other programs you are likely to find.

Modern Management, sometimes abbreviated as MM, focuses on helping individuals who are engaging in problematic drinking and certain behaviors associated with it.

Positive lifestyle changes are what MM focuses on.

It is a program that relies on peer support a great deal.

Perhaps the biggest difference with MM as compared to some other groups is that it contends that some problem drinkers can still consume alcohol in moderation.

Most other treatment programs demand that the drinker abstain entirely.

2. SOS Alcoholism Program

SOS stands for Secular Organizations for Sobriety.

Often, when someone says they do not want to involve themselves with AA, that is because there are certain pseudo religious aspects of the group that they don’t like.

You will not find anything like that with SOS.

It is an entirely secular organization.

There is no giving yourself up to a higher power like you do with AA.

This group separates spirituality from the equation.

3. Women for Sobriety

As the same implies, this is a group created by women that is also specifically intended for women who are struggling with alcoholism or problem drinking.

There are face to face groups that meet all throughout the United States.

Some women like this format because they can talk about their problems away from the male gaze.

These meetings can be a place of welcoming support where individuals can feel seen and heard by those who are their same gender.

4. LifeRing Alcoholism Recovery Program

LifeRing has become more popular in recent years.

This is an online community that does some in person meetups as well.

This group believes that each individual’s key to recovery rests within themselves.

It is another group that stays away from the faith or spiritualism based identity that is so much a part of AA.

This group talks a lot about the “addict self” that people are trying to get away from.

They feel that if you can weaken the “addict self,” you will strengthen the “sober self” that hides within.

5. SMART Recovery Groups for Alcohol Addiction

SMART is a research based collective that does not use a spiritual model.

Instead, it uses scientific evidence and research to figure out a plan for each individual who is struggling with alcohol

They have both in person meetings and online support.

They also don’t like to use the word “alcoholic,” instead using more positive language in the hopes of getting away from the stigma associated with alcoholism and abuse.

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