Find Life Coach | Meet Mahima Sharma: How to Discover Your Strengths, Achieve Clarity, and Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader?


Mahima Sharma is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her innovativeness and leadership.

She has a truly unique approach to coaching. Few individuals seamlessly bridge the gap between corporate strategy and personal development as effectively as her. With over 15 years of experience in the field, she embarked on a transformative journey after relocating to Corporate America, where the art of coaching became a cornerstone of career. Mahima’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and a deep commitment to empowering others, a mission that has evolved into a personal vocation.

She faced significant challenges navigating the complexities of corporate life. A big one was: learning to relinquish control over uncontrollable factors. This pivotal lesson became a catalyst for her innovative coaching methods, which are now transforming lives and careers. By integrating cutting edge technology, personalized learning pathways, and the power of storytelling, they offer a unique, empathetic approach that fosters profound personal and professional growth.

Her clients benefit from a meticulously tailored platform designed to amplify their strengths and sustain their personal brand. Utilizing advanced digital tools and data analytics, she delivers highly personalized coaching experiences that equip individuals with the insights and skills necessary to thrive. This approach not only positions clients as leaders and innovators but also ensures their enduring success in an ever evolving professional landscape. Here is what she said.

Meet Life Coach Mahima Sharma:


Name: Mahima Sharma

Pillar: The Mind

Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to discover and leverage their strengths, find clarity, and realize their full potential as a thought leader in their industry.

How they can help: By using various techniques and tools like personality tests, 360 degree feedback surveys, and skills assessments, just to name a few.

First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?

Thank you for asking.

My family and I are doing well, especially after the unique experiences brought on by the pandemic.

We were fortunate to welcome our daughter during this period, which we viewed as a significant blessing.

The pandemic allowed us to spend ample time together as a family, enabling us to witness many of her first milestones firsthand, a truly precious opportunity.

The extended time at home not only strengthened our family bonds but also provided us with a deeper understanding of the importance of flexibility and adaptability in both personal and professional contexts.

As we adapt to the post pandemic ‘new normal,’ we find ourselves with a renewed appreciation for the challenges that all families face in balancing their daily lives.

This period has heightened our awareness of the value of community support and the need for resilience in times of uncertainty.

Reflecting on these experiences, we’ve also recognized the critical role of well being and mental health in our overall life balance.

It has been an adjustment, for sure, but these insights have enriched our approach to family life and work, and we continue to apply these lessons as we navigate the future.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

The coronavirus pandemic has undeniably reshaped the landscape in which we all operate, impacting me and my clients in profound ways.

During this time, I observed a noticeable increase in the demand for coaching services.

Many individuals felt disconnected from the physical world and found themselves navigating uncharted personal and professional paths.

For some, this isolation provided a unique opportunity for introspection and self development, allowing them to thrive in solitude.

However, for others, the sudden shift was disorienting and challenging, leaving them feeling lost and in need of guidance.

In response to these varied needs, my coaching focus shifted significantly.

I found myself providing more life coaching to help clients find stability and clarity in their personal lives.

As the world started to adapt to the new norms, the coaching gradually began to bridge the gap between personal growth and professional development.

This transition was critical as it helped individuals reconnect the dots to their careers, integrating the insights gained from their personal experiences during the pandemic.

The pandemic also underscored the importance of adaptability and resilience, qualities that are at the core of successful coaching relationships.

By working closely with my clients during this tumultuous period, I helped them navigate the complexities of their situations, fostering a sense of purpose and direction amidst uncertainty.

This experience not only reinforced the value of coaching but also enhanced my approach by integrating deeper emotional and psychological support to meet the evolving needs of my clients.

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

1. Flexibility and Adaptability: The sudden shift to virtual interactions required flexibility in methods and an open mind towards new technologies and techniques to effectively communicate and support clients.

2. Resilience and Mental Health: The importance of focusing on resilience and mental health became more apparent. Coaches had to equip clients with strategies to manage stress, uncertainty, and isolation.

3. Emphasizing Communication: Clear, compassionate, and frequent communication was crucial as people navigated the uncertainties of the pandemic. Helping clients express their needs and concerns effectively became a core part of coaching.

4. The Power of Community: Building and maintaining a sense of community, even virtually, was vital in overcoming the feelings of isolation. Encouraging clients to seek and offer support within their networks was essential.

5. Prioritization and Boundaries: Many people struggled with work life balance during the pandemic. Coaches learned to help clients prioritize tasks and set boundaries, especially when home became the workplace.

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

I have amassed over 15 years of experience in human resources, a realm where coaching inherently intertwines with daily responsibilities.

My true coaching journey began when I transitioned into Corporate America after moving countries.

It was there that I started to apply my coaching skills extensively outside my formal role, which sparked my decision to pursue a formal certification in coaching.

Throughout my career, coaching has been a source of profound fulfillment for me.

I am deeply committed to empowering individuals to thrive in their careers and personal lives.

This dedication to fostering growth and excellence in others is not just a professional choice but a personal mission, giving me a profound sense of purpose.

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

My most significant challenge has been mastering the art of relinquishing control over aspects outside my influence.

Embracing a methodical, action driven strategy has significantly enhanced my ability to address and overcome various challenges in my professional journey.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

We have innovated by leveraging…

1. Technology Integration: Utilizing AI and data analytics to provide personalized insights and progress tracking as one of the first platforms that helped us revolutionize how we coach and understand and respond to client needs.

2. Micro Coaching: Instead of traditional lengthy sessions, we also offer short, focused interactions or “micro sessions” to cater to the fast paced lifestyle of today’s clients, providing quick, actionable advice in real time.

3. Customized Learning Pathways: Developing personalized coaching programs based on deep learning assessments that tailor the coaching strategy to each individual’s unique needs and goals.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

A unique approach to coaching involves integrating storytelling and narrative techniques into the coaching process.

This method capitalizes on the power of personal stories to uncover deep insights, foster emotional connections, and facilitate transformative changes.

As a coach I encourage clients to make and share their own stories, which can reveal underlying values, conflicts, and aspirations.

This approach not only enhances self awareness but also helps clients reframe their perspectives, envision new possibilities, and strategize their actions in alignment with their core values and goals.

By weaving storytelling into sessions, I help to create a rich, empathetic environment that propels clients toward more meaningful and sustainable growth.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

Our coaching services offer clients a tailored platform designed to not only meet their immediate needs but also to establish and nurture a sustainable personal brand.

This approach empowers them to effectively leverage their unique strengths and capabilities throughout their careers.

By working with us, clients gain the tools and insights necessary to continuously develop and enhance their professional identity, ensuring long term success and relevance in their chosen fields.

Our commitment to personalized coaching helps individuals realize their full potential, positioning them as leaders and innovators in their industries.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

In my coaching practice, I employ a variety of tools to enhance efficiency and deliver personalized, impactful coaching experiences.

Here are some key tools and techniques that I utilize:

1. Digital Platforms and Communication Tools: I leverage state of the art digital platforms that facilitate seamless communication and interaction with my clients. Tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meets enable virtual face to face sessions that are essential for maintaining connectivity and engagement in a remote environment.

2. AI and Data Analytics: To tailor my coaching sessions to individual needs, I integrate AI tools that analyze behavioral patterns and feedback. This technology helps in providing personalized insights and recommendations, making the coaching experience more aligned with each client’s unique goals and challenges.

3. Assessment Tools: I utilize various psychological and skill assessments to gain deeper insights into my clients’ personalities, strengths, and areas for development. These tools include personality tests, 360 degree feedback surveys, and skills assessments, which are crucial for developing a focused and effective coaching plan.

4. Collaborative Tools: Tools such as Slack are used for ongoing communication and project management. These tools help keep the coaching process organized and transparent, allowing for real time updates and collaboration.

By integrating these tools, I ensure that my coaching sessions are not only efficient but also deeply transformative, helping clients achieve their personal and professional objectives effectively.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

I have a message to make sure we leave this world a better place for the next generation so…

Let’s cherish and respect our diversity, cultivate compassion, and work together to solve the complex challenges facing our planet.

Every small act of kindness and every step towards understanding each other contributes to a better world for all of us.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of adaptability.

Being able to adjust to new situations, challenges, and information is crucial not just for surviving but for thriving in a rapidly changing world.

It helps in personal growth, problem solving, and making the most of opportunities that come your way.

Your final thoughts?

Reflecting on our discussion, I am reminded of the incredible resilience and adaptability humans possess, qualities that have been starkly highlighted throughout the pandemic.

As a coach, it has been a profound journey to witness and support the varied paths of my clients as they navigate these unprecedented times.

Each interaction has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of coaching, a tool that not only addresses immediate challenges but also fosters long term growth and fulfillment.

Looking forward, I am optimistic about the future of coaching and its evolving role in personal and professional development.

The integration of technology, personalized learning pathways, and a focus on mental health and well being are set to further enhance the effectiveness of coaching.

My commitment to this field is driven by a passion for helping others realize their fullest potential, and I am excited to continue adapting and innovating my practices to meet the ever changing needs of those I work with.

As we continue to recover and rebuild from the pandemic’s impact, I am hopeful that the lessons we’ve learned will lead us to a more connected, empathetic, and resilient society.

I am honored to be part of this journey with my clients, and I look forward to the continued opportunities to learn, grow, and impact lives positively.

Where Can You Find Mahima Sharma?

If you liked this interview and you would love to discover and leverage your strengths, find clarity, and realize your full potential as a leader to make a greater impact in your industry, go to and see how coach Mahima can help you do that.

And if you’d like to connect more personally with her, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sensing her a direct message on her Email [email protected]. It was an honor having this interview with her.

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I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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