Find Life Coach

Find Life Coach | Meet Andrew Cheffings: How to Recalibrate Your Mind and Body Connection and Relieve from Pain?

Andrew Cheffings is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with him. He impressed us with his honesty and wisdom.

He is a multifaceted professional whose journey into the realm of coaching is as diverse as it is inspiring. With a background in Community Music and Visual Art Education, his career took a transformative turn during the pandemic when a personal health revelation led him to discover the impact of psychophysiologic disorders.

He, armed with a wealth of knowledge as a clinical hypnotherapist and mindfulness teacher, embarked on a mission to not only heal himself but also help others struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, and compulsive behaviors.

His innovative coaching style is a unique blend of clinical hypnosis, mindfulness, and Pain Reprocessing Therapy, offering a holistic approach that mirrors his own experiences. By using these techniques daily, he provides clients with insights and tools to manage their high alert states, recalibrate their mind and body connection, and achieve lasting relief from physical and emotional discomfort. This empathetic and practical approach sets him apart, empowering clients to continue their healing journey independently. Here is what he said.

Meet Life Coach Andrew Cheffings:

Name: Andrew Cheffings

Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind, The Heart

Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to recalibrate their mind and body connection, and reduce and eliminate the physical and emotional discomfort.

How they can help: By using various tools and techniques like psycho education, inner child healing, exercises from Pain Reprocessing Therapy, hypnotherapy, and mindfulness, just to name a few.

First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?

The Pandemic changed a lot.

I had to leave my part time job and the choir I used to run was unable to continue.

But this was minor compared to what many went through, I think.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

I started seeing clients during the pandemic so that was the background to who I was seeing at that time.

Generally, the pandemic intensified client’s symptoms as it intensified their high alert states.

One chronic pain symptom I developed during the pandemic was chronic shoulder pain, which made sleep difficult.

I was researching psychophysiologic conditions at the time and the ‘Curable’ App worked wonders on my shoulder!

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

Mainly that there are all sorts of possibilities in the world that I wouldn’t usually even think of, and that things I wouldn’t have thought of doing before can be just as fulfilling as my usual activities, which have often functioned more as a comfort blanket, really.

The pandemic moved me out of my comfort zone, opening me to new activities and possibilities.

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

I have had a very varied career.

I started with Community Music work and Community Music Education work.

Following further training, I added Community Visual Art and Education work.

At the same time, adverse childhood experiences had left me with lots of unexplained symptoms which caused many difficulties for me at work.

Finally, during the Pandemic, I had some investigations in the local hospital and found that I had psychophysiologic disorders.

I was already trained as a clinical hypnotherapist and mindfulness teacher, so I did further research and training, and worked on my own symptoms as I developed a practice working with others effected by psychophysiologic disorders (such as chronic pain, chronic anxiety, phobic and compulsive behaviours…).

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

I wouldn’t say ‘overcome’, more learned to ‘manage’, and find different ways around my psychophysiologic disorders.

The most difficult of these was a wide range of different chronic OCD symptoms relating to my childhood experiences.

Learning to calm down my brain has made a huge difference to my life, allowing me to be more fully involved involved in a wide range of different social activities.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

Basically, I use a blend of clinical hypnosis, mindfulness and techniques from Pain Reprocessing Therapy.

Because I use the techniques on myself on a daily basis, I am able to work in a mirroring sort of way with clients, and insights emerge as a result.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

My unique life experience, which gives me understanding and tools for working with clients who feel stuck in high alert states leading to all sorts of chronic pain, anxiety, and compulsive and phobic behaviours.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

I aim to help clients get their high alert state down, to recalibrate their mind and body connection, and reduce and eliminate the physical and emotional discomfort they feel.

They should also have the tools they need to continue the healing process more independently.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

Psycho education, inner child healing, exercises from Pain Reprocessing Therapy, hypnotherapy, mindfulness.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

Now you can give yourself the love and support you maybe didn’t always receive, so you can calm, value, support, and heal your own mind and body.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

That I am with the whole universe all the time.

And I can breathe with the whole universe, or any part of it that I want to, and feel the support of that.

Your final thoughts?

The Buddhist concept of ‘Emptiness’ is really useful.

Once you take away the web of stories we tell ourselves, all that is left is a great well of flow and endless possibilities…

Where Can You Find Andrew Cheffings?

If you liked this interview and if you would love to get your high alert state down, to recalibrate your mind and body connection, and to relieve from pain, go to and see how coach Andrew can help you do that.

And if you’d like to connect more personally with him, you can do that through LinkedIn, Facebook, or by sending him a direct message on his Email It was an honor having this interview with him.

Dejan Davcevski

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at if you have any direct question! Much Love!

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