What to Do When Everything Seems to Be Falling Apart?


Life can be incredibly challenging at times.

We’ve all experienced those moments when it feels like everything is falling apart.

The plans we made crumble, the relationships we cherished falter, and the paths we were so sure of suddenly seem unclear.

But what if I told you that these moments of disarray are not the end, but rather a powerful beginning?

When everything falls apart, it’s a signal that everything wants to fall into place.

The Struggle Trap

We often hold onto situations, habits, and relationships that keep us in a perpetual state of struggle and unfulfillment.

It’s human nature to cling to the familiar, even if it’s not serving us well.

This attachment to the known can make it incredibly difficult to let go, even when we know deep down that these things are not aligned with our true desires and potential.

Research in psychology shows that humans have a cognitive bias known as the “status quo bias,” where we prefer things to remain the same rather than change, even if the change could be beneficial.

This bias can trap us in unhealthy patterns and prevent us from moving forward.

Letting Go

The first and most crucial step when you feel like everything is falling apart is to let go.

This doesn’t mean giving up or admitting defeat.

Rather, it’s about releasing the old to make space for the new.

It’s about trusting the process and believing that by letting go of what no longer serves you, you are creating room for something better to enter your life.

The concept of letting go is supported by numerous psychological studies that highlight the benefits of releasing negative emotions and attachments.

For example, a study by the American Psychological Association found that individuals who practice mindfulness and letting go experience lower stress levels and greater emotional well being.

Creating Space for the New

When you let go of the junk: the negativity, the self doubt, the toxic relationships, and the limiting beliefs, you create a fertile ground for new opportunities, relationships, and experiences to take root.

It’s like clearing out a cluttered room.

Once the space is free, you can redecorate it in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Embrace the Transition

Transitions are often uncomfortable, but they are also a time of great potential.

As you let go of the old, stay open to the new.

Trust that The Universe is rearranging things in your favor, even if it doesn’t seem that way immediately.

Be patient with yourself during this process.

Embrace the uncertainty as a necessary part of your growth and transformation.

According to the transtheoretical model of change, transitions involve multiple stages including precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

Understanding these stages can help you navigate the transition more effectively.

Practical Steps to Let Go:


1. Identify What’s Holding You Back

Make a list of the things, habits, and people that are keeping you stuck in a place of struggle and unfulfillment.

This process of identification is similar to the cognitive behavioral technique of self monitoring, where individuals track their thoughts and behaviors to identify patterns and triggers .

2. Take Conscious Action

Begin to consciously release these elements from your life.

This might mean having difficult conversations, changing your routine, or simply shifting your mindset.

Conscious action is supported by the principle of cognitive restructuring in cognitive behavioral therapy, which involves changing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors .

3. Create New Habits

Replace the old with new, positive habits that align with your goals and values.

Habit formation research suggests that creating new habits involves consistency, repetition, and positive reinforcement.

Studies have shown that it takes an average of 21 days to 66 days to form a new habit.

21 days is the bare minimum when the habit starts to become part of your routine and 66 days is usualy the time it takes the habit to fully integrate (in other words, to be easier to do the new habit than to not do it).

4. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a life coach for support during this transition.

Social support is a critical factor in mental health and well being.

Research indicates that individuals with strong social support networks are more resilient to stress and have better overall health outcomes.


When it feels like everything is falling apart, remember that it’s an opportunity for everything to fall into place.

Your task is to let go of everything that keeps you in a struggle filled and unfulfilled place.

By creating space, you invite new, wonderful things into your life.

Trust the process, embrace the transition, and look forward to the incredible opportunities that await you.

Your best life is on the other side of letting go.

Are you ready to make the shift?

To shift yourself and life, join the 30 days of transformation here today!

Follow Coach Hedi on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Hedi Schaefer, an awarded pioneer in Germany’s empowerment movement, has been transforming lives and businesses since 2010 as a Work-Life Innovation Coach, Author, and Mental Well-Being Expert. Her unique ©3C - InnovationCanon method empowers individuals to stop the struggle mode and achieve fulfillment and success.
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