Exploring the Depths of Existence and The Mystery of Knowing: “How do we know?”


How do we know? This fundamental question drives human curiosity and exploration.

In the realm of quantum physics, we ponder the existence of the stillest quiet, the black hole, and the space of pure potential.

But if such phenomena exists, does it have any relevance or care for human beings?

Lately, I have been feeling that my thoughts are mere projections of some unconscious motive.

Could it be that my unconscious motive and questioning… is my insecurity about believing that there is something out there or in there that’s better?

Could my insecurity about believing in something greater be the driving force behind these questions?

As I reflect, I realize that this might not be the right question.

Instead, I wonder, why question at all?

Exploring the Depths of Existence and The Mystery of Knowing:


If there is a purpose to life, and it is for me to decide, then what should I choose?

Should I seek something better than the present moment?

If the present moment is all there is, why does that notion feel so limiting?

Why isn’t the present moment enough?

These questions drive me to explore deeper.

Living in the Present and the Flow State

One answer might be that there is nothing but the present moment.

At times, I can be better and feel better, striving to maintain a flow state akin to Maslow’s hierarchy of self actualization.

However, this doesn’t sit right with my liberal soul.

Does living my best life equate to living a life of privilege?

If so, is privilege inherently a good thing?

The Decision Tree of Life

It feels like I am navigating a decision tree, where each choice leads me back to the starting point.

As a therapist, I notice people making rapid progress and rapid regress.

What could be causing this dichotomy?

Shifting Connections and Consciousness

I believe people are beginning to have less connection with each other.

This connection will persist but will evolve to align with a new level of consciousness.

What drives people to either strive harder or give up?

There are indeed individuals motivated to not try harder, which is a judgment but also a sad commentary on our society.

The Role of the Therapist

As a therapist, it is disheartening when people regress to psychosis or delusion, making them vulnerable to manipulation.

Without delving into a rant, I leave this point here.

Perhaps I need to find that place of silence and quiet.

Does anyone else experience these feelings?

I can’t be the only one.


In the exploration of quantum physics, consciousness, and human experience, we grapple with fundamental questions of existence, purpose, and connection.

As we seek to understand the deeper motives behind our thoughts and actions, we strive for a balance between living in the present and aspiring for a better future.

Through this journey, we discover the complexities of human motivation and the evolving nature of our connections with each other and The Universe.

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