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Find Life Coach | Meet Estra Roell: How to Live Your Purpose and Love Your Life?

Estra Roell is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her passion and commitment to her own values.

She has a very interesting career path that led her to coaching. From social worker to Montessori teacher and now an empowering life coach, she spent her career helping others discover their potential. After dedicating two decades to nurturing young minds, she found herself at a crossroads when changes in her workplace pushed her to reevaluate her path.

She didn’t know where to go and asked for help from a higher guidance. That help instantly appeared and pointed her in a direction to get out of the place where she felt stuck. From there, an encounter with the Law of Attraction and a powerful inner shift sparked her transformation into a life coach, where she now blends spiritual clarity with practical action to guide her clients toward their goals.

She integrates techniques like PSYCH K® to help clients achieve rapid belief changes and align their energy with their desires. Through a blend of mindfulness, empowerment, and brain balancing practices, she offers her clients the tools to create lives filled with purpose, joy, and clarity. Here is what she said.

Meet Life Coach Estra Roell:

Name: Estra Roell

Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind

Who is this coach for: Anyone seeking to discover their true heart’s purpose and transform their belief system to live a life they truly love.

How they can help: By using various coaching tools and techniques like PSYCH K® for rapid belief change, a values exercise to gain clarity about the top 5 values, and Active Listening just to name a few.

First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?

We are doing well.

Since I coach over the phone or through video conference, I was able to keep coaching.

My husband, who is a computer consultant, had a slow down but his clients are all back now.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

My clients actually did well, making adjustments to remote work.

It didn’t affect my business, although it made my husband’s more difficult.

I think feeling cut off from family was the hardest for us.

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

That the world can change rapidly and we need to be mindful, and stay positive in order to find the hidden lessons and opportunities.

We can view uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and new ideas, rather than be in fear or anxiety.

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

I started out with training in peer counseling in college.

After graduation I worked as a social worker.

When my son was born I got interested in the work of Maria Montessori and went back to school to get my teaching certification in lower elementary Montessori.

I happily taught children for 20 years.

I left teaching for a number of reasons, including the failing health of my parents, who lived a good distance away.

Teaching had been my purpose and was fulfilling, but I now needed to discover what was next for me.

I was doing some direct sales and was grateful for the things I learned and that money was coming in, but I realized it wasn’t my landing place.

Then I received an email announcing a webinar presented by a woman named Christy Whitman who was starting a law of attraction life coaching academy.

It was just what I had been looking for and signed up for the year long training that night!

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

I’d say leaving teaching, which I loved and had thought I’d do until a late retirement.

One of the prime factors in my leaving was the change in administration that took place.

I didn’t get along with my new boss.

The workplace that I had loved now became toxic for me.

I was angry and miserable most of the time.

Then, one night, sitting in my home office and thinking about how bad I felt, I had the thought that this couldn’t be the life I was supposed to live.

I didn’t know what to do, so I raised my eyes and shouted to the Universe, “I know there’s got to be a way out! Just show me the way out!”

As I looked back down, my eyes immediately fell on a little book on the new bookshelves my husband had put in.

The title of the book was,”The Way Out.”

I was astounded!

It had been given to me years before in a stack of books by a bookseller who was clearing out inventory.

It had been sitting in our basement for a long time.

So, I read it.

The basic message was to let go of the struggle and let your higher self take over.

While this sounded good, I didn’t know how to do it.

So I kept asking for guidance… and I got it.

I woke up one morning with a process in my head for achieving clarity on what I really wanted.

It worked quite well and a couple of months later I was offered an opportunity with a direct sales company that seemed to check all the boxes.

After awhile I realized that while it helped me in many ways, it wasn’t my highest joy.

Once again, I was needing some guidance.

I decided I needed some kind of book or process to help me figure out what was next that would feel like purpose and meaning.

Soon after that, I saw a promotion for Janet and Chris Atwood’s book, “The Passion Test” in my email!

I went right out to the bookstore to look into it and it was just what I needed.

By the time I was done with that I knew I wanted to do something like the passion test, but in a broader sense.

I focused on that thought and soon after Christy Whitman introduced me to coaching!

The training also opened me up to more clarity about my spiritual path and a deeper understanding of the Universal Laws.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

One technique I use for rapid belief change is PSYCH K®.

It was originated by Rob Williams and is inspired by research in brain dominance theory, neuroscience and ancient mind and body wisdom.

The PSYCH K balances are designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the brain.

While in this “whole brain” state, you can reprogram the subconscious mind with new, self enhancing beliefs that support your goals.

I’ve found this to be quite effective.

I really enjoy using this process in person, but it can also be done remotely.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

I’m not sure how unique this is!

Nevertheless, I help my clients learn how important it is to “be” as well as “do.”

Currently, our society rewards “hard work” and effort.

But you can accomplish what you want more joyfully and easily by giving attention to the energy work first.

Then you take action, which is usually easier than if you were trying to make something happen out of effort.

So the flow is, get into alignment with your desires by feeling good.

Then act on your inspired ideas.

The energy work can encompass meditation, practicing law of attraction processes, exercise, journaling, singing and anything else that allows you to feel good.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

A sense of empowerment and clarity on their path.

Belief in themselves.

They have tools that they can use to be in alignment with their desires and create the lives they want.

Also, they know how to get back to feeling good after a setback.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

I think it’s important to understand your top 5 values.

That way you have a compass to guide you in exploring your purpose.

I have a values exercise that helps with that process.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

Love each other and begin by loving yourself.

True purpose comes from your heart.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

I’d say the knowledge that we are all souls and are here for a purpose, which is to grow, expand in love and evolve.

What that looks like for each of us is our own individual journey.

Your final thoughts?

I am committed to expanding people’s ideas about purpose.

It can certainly be about the work you do in the world.

When we do what we love and are making a contribution to the larger whole we feel fulfilled and are on purpose.

It’s also helpful to realize we can have more than one purpose at a time and over time.

Raising children to be their best selves is a purpose.

Caring for loved ones is purpose.

Volunteering is purpose.

Purpose is also about how you show up each day.

Are you coming from a place of love?

Are you expressing compassion and kindness?

Coming from the heart is true purpose and infinitely fulfilling.

Start by loving and honoring yourself.

Where Can You Find Estra Roell?

If you liked this interview and if you would love to align with your heart’s purpose and live a life that you are absolutely passionate about, go to and see how coach Estra can help you.

If you’d like to peak a glimpse of her coaching, you can do that by following her Facebook page and X account.

And if you’d like to connect with her more personally, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sending her a direct message on her Email It was an honor having this interview with her.

Dejan Davcevski

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at if you have any direct question! Much Love!

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