
How to Apply Christian Values at Work

As a Christian, implementing our faith in our families, communities, or worship places is not enough.

We also need to ensure that we implement our Christian values at work because it’s essential to reflect the work of Jesus Christ within us to our work communities.

There are three important Christian values that I’m going to address today, which can be implemented at work.

These will allow you to feel and harvest the seed of those values.

3 Christian Values to Apply at Work:

1. Integrity

Being honest and having ethical conduct is key.

When you do your job, do it with honesty.

When you succeed, be humble and keep moving forward.

If you fail, admit your failure and don’t blame others.

This approach earns respect from your colleagues, leaders, and subordinates.

It creates a sense of bonding at work and reflects a beautiful part of you that can inspire those you work with to see Jesus Christ in your daily actions.

Speaking of daily actions, you need to embody…

2. Servant Leadership

Jesus was not a dictator.

He served his disciples, washing their feet and helping them all the way.

Even though He knew who He was, He remained humble and gentle.

After His death and resurrection, the disciples followed His example, serving the church and the mission.

Similarly, as leaders, we must support and help those we lead to become the best versions of themselves.

Pat them on the back when they succeed, and if they fail, embrace them and offer guidance.

This kind of leadership improves resilience and fosters a positive spirit in the team.

Leaders aren’t just there to give orders… they are there to serve, empower, and lift their team to overcome challenges and excel.

And when we speak about excelling…

3. Excellence in Work

When you do your work, do it with all your heart, focus, and dedication.

If you need help, ask for it.

Strive to perfect your work.

We, as Christians, are called to do what is required of us and respect the places we work in.

We must honor our jobs and the organizations we work for by giving our best.

Laziness has no place in our work ethic.

When we give our best, we will eventually harvest the seeds of success.


With these three Christian values (integrity, servant leadership, and excellence in work), if we implement them in our daily workplaces, we’ll be spreading prosperity, love, respect, and positive vibes.

People will admire how we handle things with honesty, ethical behavior, and humility.

They will appreciate our support, even without needing to ask for it.

Be that role model and reflect Jesus Christ in you.

By doing this, you will ignite a positive spirit in your teams, allowing everyone to excel.

People will come to you and ask, “How do you do all of this? What’s the secret behind your success?”

Then they will know, it’s Jesus Christ within you that makes you loving, respectful, and honorable in your work.

To book me for your next event on Resilience with Christian Faith go here.

For coaching on strengthening your relationship with God go here.

Romeo EL Chaer

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