Inner Peace, Success, and Fulfillment: How It All Ties Together?


Recap of Key Points from this series of articles:

  1. Inner peace is your inner power. It can be experienced here and now.
  2. Silence meditation offers a direct connection to inner peace.
  3. The Peace Practice is a powerful way to cultivate inner peace and unleash your inner power for life transformation.
  4. Silence meditation and The Peace Practice are unique within the broad landscape of meditation, supporting continuous self transformation and preparing the ground for Self Realization.
  5. In moments of stress and worry, Don’t Peace Out of life, Peace In to life.
  6. Lastly, we spoke about the power of Attention and the Cure for The Monkey Mind.

There are plenty of troublesome things in our lives and many horrors in the world we live in.

Stresses, worries, anxieties, fears, loss, grief, and more seem to be our perpetual companions.

So, what can you do to live a happy, peaceful, and successful life?

There is a great power within you, and it is where inner peace is.

When you tap into this inner power, you can access everything you need to succeed in your endeavors and experience fulfillment in life.

But, how?

How Inner Peace Enables Success and Fulfillment?


Inner peace is not just a nice to have feeling
Seeking inner peace is not an escape from life

As life becomes more complicated
As the world seems to unravel more
If you choose to connect with inner peace
When you root in inner peace
You gain the invaluable gifts of
Clarity and wisdom
Courage and strength
Creativity and compassion
You gain the critical abilities to
Make wiser decisions and
Take powerful actions
You orient yourself to 
Succeed in your endeavors

You cultivate inner peace not to
‘Peace out’ from life

You cultivate inner peace to
Peace in‘ to life

Beyond the constant swirl of thoughts
Beyond the burdensome monkey mind
There is a vast field of silence
The home of inner peace
This is your own original nature
This is the real YOU

When you cultivate inner peace 
You are unleashing your inner power

Inner peace is your inner power
That should be great motivation 
To invest a few minutes a day
To connect with your inner power and
To live life from your inner power
To live as the real YOU

Don’t wait for success in life
To experience inner peace
Cultivate inner peace
By rooting in silence
So you can truly succeed in life

It is one thing to cultivate silence
It is another thing to root in it
How can you root in silence?

How to Root in Silence?


Stop giving attention
To thoughts, to feelings
To beliefs, to expectations
To judgments, to anger
To worries, to fears
To people, to things

Fickle and unreliable
Sources of perturbation
Bad neighborhoods of the mind
These are designed
To cause you to slip
To fall into suffering

Notice the first appearance
Of perturbation in your mind-body
Shortened breaths
Rise in internal heat
Faster heart rate
These are early signs of trouble

Pause. Step back
Walk away if you need to
Take deep breaths
Until breathing is steady
Turn attention to silence
Rest for a few minutes

Re-engage only after
Peacefulness is felt

This is the way to prevent 
Slipping into old patterns
By choosing to take a stand
In your inner power

Re-engage with life
From who you really are

Be interested in life in
The realm beyond doing
Be keen to know about
The wisdom of being

The Wisdom of Being


In thinking, there can be lack
In being, there is wholeness

In thinking, there can be suffering
In being, there is unchanging peace

In thinking, there can be unhappiness
In being, there is causeless contentment

In thinking, there can be judgments
In being, there is unconditional love

In thinking, there can be bondage
In being, there is boundless freedom

In thinking, there is past and future
In being, there is the timeless now

In thinking, there is the limited you
In being, there is the real YOU

Thinking is movement of attention
Thinking is a kind of doing

Silence is rested attention
Real silence is being

Learn to rest attention in silence
And thinking will lose its power source

Incessant thinking and doing
Get replaced by being and flowing

About the Author

Sundar Kadayam is an author, spiritual teacher, mentor, and healer. Midway through his 34 year career as a technologist and entrepreneur, life circumstances pushed him into an unlikely journey toward healing and awakening. His offerings provide guidance on self care and healing, self transformation, and self realization.

Sundar’s Website: Being YOU with Sundar Kadayam – Resources for self-care and healing, continuous self-transformation, and Self-Realization

Sundar’s Bio: About Sundar Kadayam

Sundar’s Writings: Articles and Pointers to Being YOU – with Sundar Kadayam

The Peace Practice: The Peace Practice – Simple Meditation to Cultivate Inner Peace (

Life Coach Code Interview: Find Life Coach | Meet Sundar Kadayam: How to Go from Weakness to True Power and Limitless Potential? (

Related Articles from Sundar:

  1. The Power of Silence (
  2. Success and Inner Peace (
  3. Unleashing the Ingredients of Success in Life – The Peace Practice (
  4. Understanding Meditation and The Peace Practice (
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