You are deeply interested in many things at the periphery of your existence…
Whether it’s what you see as intimately close, like your body, or your beliefs, desires, aversions, thoughts, and feelings…
Whether it’s in your immediate surroundings reported by your senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch…
Whether it’s the world around you: people and things, near or far, physical or conceptual, desirable or not…
Whether it’s lofty ideals, goals, successes or failures, friends or foes, matters you understand or those you don’t, past or future…
Your attention is occupied by all of this.
Perhaps it rapidly shifts across these things, leading to an ever moving, restless mind…
In doing so, you’ve inadvertently trained your attention to wander, to the unchangeable past or the unknowable future…
This locks your experience of life at the periphery, keeping you from experiencing life deeply in a way that truly matters…
In this way, you lose your time, wandering through experiences that come and go, without noticing the unchanging within…
You might think your body is your essence, that your mind is as close to your core as you can get, because this is who you believe you are…
You might believe you are merely the body mind, and this identity shapes how you think about life and your place in the world…
This belief confines your experience to the periphery, where loss and gain, pain and pleasure, illness and wellness, perturbation and calmness dominate…
But, Dear One, have you experienced what is closer to you than close?
What hums behind breath, what flows as life force, what is in the center?
There is a great power within you. It is the reason you experience peace, love, happiness, and seek freedom…
Inside your center, where this power resides, is the wholeness you yearn for, the contentment you crave…
The reason you strive to be whole and complete in an ever changing world, the reason you seek gain and avoid loss, prefer happiness over suffering…
The reason you seek love, peace, freedom, abundance is because your essence is already wholeness, but you’re missing it…
Missing your essence, you wander at the periphery of your existence, seeking fulfillment through material gains and emotional wins, but never truly finding it…
You are seeking in life and in the world for what you already are, forgetting that it’s your essence you are searching for…
Is this true? Or is it more “hopium” I’m offering to soothe your weary life?
You don’t have to believe this if you are ready to verify it…
To verify, treat what I say not as fact or belief but as a pointer for your direct experience…
Turn your attention from the periphery and plunge it into the silence of the heart, rest your attention in your heart center…
When attention rests in the heart, peacefulness rises as calmness, because you’re closer to your center…
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, pause and try this: bring attention to rest in your heart center, in the silence inside.
Silence is the center of who you are, and it is always accessible just by bringing your attention to it.
From periphery to center, from external to internal, as curiosity turns and attention is directed and sustained, the experiential realization of your essence unfolds…
Your center (silence) is ever present, unchanging, and the essence of your existence.
With its direct experience, all that bogged you down: angst, worries, cravings, attachments, aversions… all of it disappears.
Come within and know this in and as direct experience, and witness your life transform with this practice.
Realize Your True Nature As The Center | Self Realization

With single pointed attention in silence, when you experience calmness, turn your attention back from being aware of calmness to being aware.
Attend keenly to the faculty of being aware…
Stay there in the unnamable unfolding with single pointed attention.
Be in the unfolding experience of being aware of being aware.
Here is the true stillness, the real silence, your essence…
When you’re aware of being aware, localized experiences that you were familiar with, they disappear, and a vastness is there.
When you continue to keep your attention single pointedly on the faculty of attending, of being aware, the sense of being an isolated being is gone.
In the unfolding experience of the missing personal self, in the seeming emptiness, is a vibrant wholeness.
That wholeness, that freedom without bounds, that limitless abundance, that peace, love, happiness without opposites is your essence, the bliss of being…
You are this boundless, timeless, unchanging wellspring of existence.
You don’t exist in a created world, you never have. The world is an artifact of an arising as a separate you from the real YOU.
Follow these steps to your direct experience, realize the real YOU, and be That.
Silence Meditation: The Foundational Practice
As you’ve seen, silence meditation (the art of resting attention single pointedly in silence) connects you with inner peace and helps you unleash your inner power into your daily life.
This is a powerful foundational practice on your journey of continuous self transformation.
That is just the beginning of the untold benefits of this simple, yet profound practice of silence meditation.
What the reflective inquiry and guidance above shows is that you can go deeper from experiencing silence to precipitating the realization of your true nature, the real YOU.
This is why I clearly share that the same practice of silence meditation is a fabulous preparatory practice for Self Realization.
Silence meditation is one foundational practice to be the best form of yourself by living life from the center (an aid for continuous self transformation founded on connecting you with your inner power)…
Until you are ready to realize the true form of yourself, the real YOU, as the center (Self Realization)… and be That center, That essence (Self Abidance).
The Peace Practice helps you cultivate the art of resting attention single pointedly in silence, serving as a potent aid for your continuous self transformation, and preparing the ground for your Self Realization.
About the Author
Sundar Kadayam is an author, spiritual teacher, mentor, and healer. Midway through his 34 year career as a technologist and entrepreneur, life circumstances pushed him into an unlikely journey toward healing and awakening. His offerings provide guidance on self care and healing, self transformation, and self realization.
Sundar’s Website: Being YOU with Sundar Kadayam – Resources for self-care and healing, continuous self-transformation, and Self-Realization
Sundar’s Bio: About Sundar Kadayam
Sundar’s Writings: Articles and Pointers to Being YOU – with Sundar Kadayam
The Peace Practice: The Peace Practice – Simple Meditation to Cultivate Inner Peace (
Life Coach Code Interview: Find Life Coach | Meet Sundar Kadayam: How to Go from Weakness to True Power and Limitless Potential? (
Related Articles from Sundar:
- What is “Being YOU”? (
- Journey to Being YOU: Ten Truths to Know about Your Inner Essence (
- The Power of Silence (
- The Eternal Fire (
- Boundless Being (
- The Secret of Rested Attention (
- Why Surrender? (
- The Bounty of Real Surrender (
- Being Compassionate Towards Yourself (