9 Types of Abuse You Didn’t Know Were Abuse!


Abuse comes in many forms, and it’s not always as obvious as physical harm.

Emotional and psychological abuse can be subtle yet deeply damaging, often going unnoticed even by the victim.

Recognizing these signs is the first step to understanding and addressing abusive behavior. Below are nine types of abuse that are often overlooked but are equally harmful.

9 Subtle Types of Abuse Everyone Misses:


1. Humiliating You in Front of Others

Abuse isn’t just physical, it’s also emotional.

When someone humiliates you in front of others, they’re chipping away at your self esteem and sense of worth.

This act is designed to make you feel small and powerless, often to assert their dominance over you.

Why It’s Harmful?

Humiliation creates feelings of shame and inadequacy, making it difficult for you to assert yourself in social or professional settings.

The ripple effect of such behavior can impact your confidence in every area of life, leaving long lasting emotional scars.

How to Recognize It:

  1. Frequent belittling comments in public.
  2. Sarcastic remarks meant to embarrass you.
  3. Bringing up personal flaws or mistakes in front of others.

2. Controlling Every Aspect of Your Life

Control is a major red flag in any relationship.

When someone dictates your choices, from what you wear to who you can talk to, it’s a clear form of abuse.

Why It’s Harmful?

By controlling your actions, the abuser strips away your autonomy and independence, leaving you feeling trapped.

Over time, this control can escalate, making you feel like you’ve lost your freedom and individuality entirely.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Monitoring your phone or social media.
  2. Making decisions for you without your input.
  3. Limiting your interactions with friends or family.

3. Invading Your Personal Space and Boundaries

Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, including respect for personal space.

When someone invades your boundaries, it’s a violation of your trust and comfort.

Why It’s Harmful?

Boundary violations can make you feel unsafe and disrespected, creating a sense of constant anxiety.

This behavior erodes trust and can make you question your ability to set and enforce boundaries.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Ignoring your requests for personal space.
  2. Overstepping physical or emotional boundaries.
  3. Repeatedly pressuring you to do things you’re uncomfortable with.

4. Constantly Criticizing You

Criticism can be constructive, but when it’s constant and demeaning, it crosses the line into abuse.

This type of behavior is aimed at undermining your confidence.

Why It’s Harmful?

Repeated criticism can lead to self-doubt and a diminished sense of self worth.

Over time, you may begin to internalize these negative comments, believing them to be true.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Frequent negative comments about your abilities or appearance.
  2. Dismissing your achievements as insignificant.
  3. Highlighting your mistakes without acknowledging your successes.

5. Making You Feel Like “The Fool One”

Gaslighting and manipulative tactics are used to make you question your reality.

When someone makes you feel foolish or irrational for expressing your feelings, they’re engaging in abusive behavior.

Why It’s Harmful?

This creates a sense of confusion and self-doubt, making it harder for you to trust your own instincts.

Over time, it can erode your ability to stand up for yourself.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Calling you “too sensitive” when you express concerns.
  2. Mocking your emotions or decisions.
  3. Twisting situations to make you feel at fault.

6. Blaming You for Their Actions

Accountability is crucial in any relationship.

When someone blames you for their behavior or mistakes, they’re deflecting responsibility in an abusive way.

Why It’s Harmful?

This tactic erodes your confidence and makes you feel responsible for issues you didn’t create.

It can trap you in a cycle of guilt and obligation, preventing you from addressing the real problem.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Statements like, “If you hadn’t done this, I wouldn’t have reacted that way.”
  2. Refusing to take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Shifting the focus of arguments to your behavior instead of their own.

7. Dismissing Your Thoughts or Feelings

Emotional invalidation is a subtle but pervasive form of abuse.

When someone dismisses your thoughts or feelings, they’re essentially saying that your perspective doesn’t matter.

Why It’s Harmful?

This can lead to feelings of isolation and self doubt, as if your emotions are unworthy of attention.

Over time, you may begin to suppress your feelings entirely.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Interrupting or ignoring you during conversations.
  2. Responding to your emotions with indifference or mockery.
  3. Downplaying your concerns as “not a big deal.”

8. Making You Doubt Yourself

Self doubt is a powerful tool in the abuser’s arsenal.

By questioning your decisions and abilities, they seek to keep you reliant on their approval.

Why It’s Harmful?

Over time, this erodes your confidence and prevents you from making independent choices.

It can lead to a constant need for validation, further empowering the abuser.

How to Recognize It?

  1. Frequent “are you sure?” statements.
  2. Undermining your ideas or plans.
  3. Questioning your ability to handle responsibilities on your own.

9. Using Sarcasm to Hurt You

Sarcasm can be lighthearted, but when it’s used to belittle or hurt, it becomes a form of abuse.

These remarks often hide under the guise of humor, making them harder to call out.

Why It’s Harmful?

Sarcasm, when used maliciously, creates a hostile environment and chips away at trust.

The repeated use of hurtful jokes can lead to feelings of inadequacy and alienation.

How to Recognize It

  1. Backhanded compliments.
  2. Jokes that consistently target your insecurities.
  3. Laughing off your discomfort as you being “too sensitive.”

Keep This In Mind…

Abuse isn’t always physical or obvious.

Emotional and psychological abuse can leave scars that are just as deep and long lasting.

I know, admiting that you are being abused can be hard.

But it’s necessary if you want to have a relationship that’s not damaging for your wellbeing.

Recognizing these subtle forms of abuse is the first step toward breaking free from their grip.

Remember, you deserve respect, kindness, and support in all your relationships.

If you recognize any of these signs in your life, consider seeking help from a trusted friend, counselor, or support group.

You can find many experts here at Life Coach Code who will hear you out and help you before you even decide to work with them.

You’re not alone, and you have the power to reclaim your life.

Building healthy relationships starts with understanding what is unacceptable and having the courage to address it.

And to be fair, nobody is perfect.

I can bet that we are all guilty for at least one of these.

But the problem is in the fact that you allow this abuse to continue.

Usually, when an abusive behavior arises, there is an immediate reaction that “it’s not ok” to behave like that from the other person.

Living with such abuse tells something different, it says that there is un underlying problem that usually steams from something within you.

You are being abused because you allow the abuse.

Maybe you feel unworthy of love, maybe you think you can never find a partner as good as them, or maybe you feel you deserve that type of behavior.

Whatever the reason is, it all starts from you.

You need to claim your unconditional worthiness to be loved that you were born with.

If you need extra help with that, consider joining the Superhuman University where you will find countless courses about healing, setting boundaries, and becoming the best version of yourself.

Join today and decode into Superhuman!

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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