The Dr. Dolores Show: How to Stop DOing and Start BEing?


Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer

In today’s fast paced world, we often equate productivity with self worth, endlessly doing instead of simply being.

But what if the key to success, happiness, and fulfillment lies in slowing down and reconnecting with your authentic self?

In this episode of The Dr. Dolores Show, Dr. Dolores Fazzino dives into the transformative power of shifting from “doing” to “being.”

P.S. Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP, is a pioneer in holistic healing, blending medical expertise with intuitive wisdom. To learn more about her work and get a free gift, visit her website.

The Dr. Dolores Show: 5 Steps to Stop DOing and Start BEing


Step 1: Recognize When You’re in “Doing” Mode

The first step to shifting from DOing to BEing is becoming aware of when you’re stuck in “doing mode.”

When we are in doing mode, we’re often operating from our minds, focusing on tasks, and trying to control everything.

You might catch yourself saying, “I think I feel…” as a way to rationalize your emotions.

This mindset distracts you from truly experiencing your feelings and connecting with your inner self.

Begin by noticing when you’re caught in this cycle of busyness, and acknowledge that you may be avoiding deeper, more meaningful experiences by being in a constant state of doing.

Step 2: Embrace Presence Over Productivity

Next, begin to shift your focus from productivity to presence.

Being mode is about tuning into the present moment rather than constantly pushing toward the next task.

When you embrace presence, you create space to feel your emotions, listen to your intuition, and be fully engaged with the world around you.

By simply taking a moment to breathe and center yourself, you begin to break free from the pressure to be constantly productive and start connecting more deeply with your inner self.

Step 3: Allow Your Emotions to Flow

One of the greatest benefits of being present is the ability to experience and process your emotions without judgment.

When you’re in doing mode, emotions can feel like obstacles or distractions from the tasks at hand.

But in being mode, you can allow your emotions to come up, feel them, and let them pass naturally.

Instead of rationalizing your feelings or pushing them aside, let yourself be fully present with what you’re experiencing.

This practice not only helps you release emotional baggage but also nurtures emotional resilience, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

Step 4: Prioritize Rest and Self Care

In our society, rest is often associated with laziness or unproductiveness.

But in reality, rest is essential for mental, emotional, physical and even spiritual well being.

One of the key aspects of being mode is taking the time to rest and recharge without guilt.

When you prioritize rest, you give yourself permission to simply be, not do.

This restores your energy, reduces stress, and helps you show up as your best self in all areas of life.

Remember, rest is not laziness, it’s a vital part of the process of being.

Step 5: Make Room for Intuition and Connection

Finally, when you move into being mode, you create the space for deeper connection and clarity.

Being present and still allows you to hear your inner voice, your intuition, and to make decisions with confidence and calm.

As you embrace stillness and listen to your intuition, you’ll notice that you make decisions more easily, your relationships improve, and your productivity becomes more aligned with your true values.

By embracing being first, you’re able to move forward with purpose and ease, rather than being driven by the pressure to do more.

By being, rather than doing, you reconnect with your true self and navigate life with more clarity, joy, and balance.

Join Dr. Dolores as she inspires you to leave the endless hustle behind and tap into the profound magic of just being.

Tune in for an enlightening conversation that could change the way you approach life.


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What to Look for In This Episode of The Dr. Dolores Show:

  1. When we are in doing mode, we are in our heads. (2:34)
  2. When we are in doing mode, we are distracting ourselves from who we are on a deep level. (3:11)
  3. When we are in doing mode, we are in control and trying to force. (4:07)
  4. When you say, “I think I feel…”, you are trying to rationalize our emotions. (5:53)
  5. “We are energy and everything is interconnected.” Dr. Dolores Fazzino (7:07)
  6. If an emotion comes up, feel it, be present with it and allow it to change. (7:54)
  7. “When you are present, you can hear your inner voice. Your intuition.” Dr. Dolores Fazzino (9:35)
  8. The doing state creates a burnout culture. (13:15)
  9. This is the renaissance of coming back to yourself. (14:19)
  10. It starts with Being first then goes into divine doing. (18:32)
  11. Self worth is not about productivity. (19:27)
  12. When you go into Being mode, the noise gets cut down. (20:07)
  13. Prioritize rest. Rest is not laziness. (23:34)
  14. Being present will improve your relationships. (25:38)
  15. Being present will help you make decisions. (26:08)


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I am Awake, Now What
Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, an International Amazon Best Selling Author, TV, Podcast, and Radio host. With over 45 years-experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assist people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible. Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness. She is the author of 5 books, two which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her latest book “Your Amazing Itty Bitty Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible Book” became an Amazon Best Seller October 2022. Dr. Dolores Fazzino is the host of The Dr Dolores Show, a TV, Radio, Podcast with Inspired Choices Network (ICN) streaming to over 300 platforms globally. Contact her at: 760-579-2440
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