Robert Tettero is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with him. He impressed us with his wisdom and bravery.
His path to self realization began over three decades ago. Going through 7 years of soul searching, deep study, and immersion in transformative practices, his quest for knowledge eventually led to apprenticeship with a traditional Hopi healer. However, it was a life changing breathwork session (Conscious Energy Breathing) that truly catalyzed his personal transformation, enabling him to shed past baggage and discover his true purpose.
His unique coaching method, the Life Source Method, is an eclectic blend of shamanic teachings, Mindshift Transformation, and the power of Conscious Energy Breathing. This innovative approach helps clients break free from subconscious conditioning, offering a fresh path toward stress free success and personal freedom.
His coaching focuses on guiding individuals to embrace constant self reinvention, helping them thrive both personally and professionally. Through his unique and client focused approach, he makes sure that each of his clients overcomes their “Life Stress Blueprint” so they can achieve ultimate freedom to thrive. Here is what he said…
Name: Robert Tettero
Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind, The Heart
Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to come back to their core being, to be stressless, live more, succeed effortlessly, and achieve ultimate freedom to thrive.
How they can help: By using his innovative and super effective system called “Life Source Method”, where he applies Mindshift Transformation, Shamanic teachings, and Conscious Energy Breathing.
Still rebuilding our business.
Our business was fully dependent on 1 on 1 live coaching sessions, live retreats and events.
I had no backup plan.
I ended up without work.
It was especially difficult because we were traveling and didn’t have a home base, nowhere, and no one to lean on.
By the grace of God, we pulled through it.
In the aftermath of it, we moved to Tenerife for a year where I was able to write my first book, “Transcending the Ordinary”.
Now we are back in The Netherlands after a 7 year adventure to regroup and in the process of upscaling our business.
At the risk of creating separation between your audience and myself, which is really what the pandemic did by and large, it is enough to say that I just didn’t buy into it.
Luckily, my clients trusted me enough to not go into separation.
But, sure, many were freaked out about it anyway because every one of us had to deal with it and come to terms with it in our own way.
The scare was complete.
We found refuge in a little coastal village in a small vacation rental where we are living now and were enjoying the quiet and the daily walks along the ocean.
The streets and beaches were empty.
No one hassled us, but being clairsentient, I could feel this immense blanket of fear and low vibrational state throughout.
Relying on my breathing discipline, I could keep my energy high.
I could write a whole book on this.
That I should have pivoted to an online business years before.
I was completely unprepared, although I knew something major was in the making.
I had warned my network that something major was going to happen.
I thought it would be in the form of another financial crisis.
2020 represented the two opposing forces, 20 on one side and 20 on another.
Humanity is at a major crossroads, most likely never as significant as the one we are at now.
The pandemic had to happen.
Humanity has to wake up.
The pandemic has forced everyone to work through their shadow side and their unconscious fear of dying.
To what end, you may ask?
To raise our consciousness and bring about the much needed change.
33 years ago, I did some serious soul searching, which ultimately lasted seven years.
I was hungry for knowledge and attended seminars and retreats of all kinds, reading hundreds of books on self realization and personal development.
I followed a course offered by Michael Harner, founder of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies in Connecticut, and found significance in the teachings of Don Juan, as written by Carlos Castaneda.
I met many men and women of knowledge who shared their teachings with me and ultimately ended up apprenticing with a traditional healer from the Hopi tribe.
But what eventually hit home for me was when I discovered the power of the breath, which was fundamental in shaping who I am today.
I reinvented myself, shed my old self, and was able to completely let go of the past, where unconsciously, I was still stuck in the residue of negative experiences.
During my first breathing session (originally known as rebirthing or Conscious Connected Breathing, which I experienced in the U.S.) I recapitulated my life.
It wasn’t a conscious act… somehow, the breath brought that on.
I saw my entire life pass in front of my mind’s eye, like a movie, and saw the unconscious decisions I had made based on my experiences.
I realized how I had adapted my behavior, which then turned into my belief system and, ultimately, my personal law.
It’s what I call our “Life Stress Blueprint.”
I saw how, for instance, as a small boy, I had decided that I would have to do it all on my own, and that became the dominant force in my life.
Go figure!
Until then, I had never been so clear about what had shaped me, and for the first time in my life, I knew what I was meant to do.
I started my coaching business.
OMG, this question needs quite some reflection.
I would say the single most important obstacle was all the seemingly negative experiences that stood in the way of finding my purpose.
I say “seemingly” because, ultimately, they were the very things that drove me to finally find it.
P.D. Ouspensky (Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky), a Russian philosopher and mystic who was a key student of G.I. Gurdjieff, helped popularize Gurdjieff’s teachings, often called the “Fourth Way,” which focuses on self development and spiritual awakening.
In his book “In Search of the Miraculous”, he discusses the necessity of intentional suffering and conscious labor for spiritual evolution.
So yes, I believe that there is no progress without suffering.
I don’t know if it has anything to do with innovation, but rather with accepting the fact that change is at the core of life.
Nothing is fixed, the river is never the same at any given time.
When you accept that you, too, are always a different person at any given moment, you realize that you are constantly updating and recreating yourself.
We need to adapt to what life requires of us.
The pandemic has proven that.
It shook the entire world out of its false sense of security.
So, back to the question: I don’t need to innovate but rather approach each individual with a new set of eyes and without any preconceived ideas.
To see their uniqueness and humanness.
My approach, however, is quite unusual.
Having been blessed with a high dose of curiosity, I explored various self help and healing modalities.
I developed a system I call the Life Source Method, in which I apply Mindshift Transformation, Shamanic teachings, and Conscious Energy Breathing to realign and deprogram old habits and patterns.
This process creates a new foundation free of subconscious conditioning.
It is especially unique when applied in a business environment.
But I guarantee it is the best coaching modality that works.
Success guaranteed.
I help them overcome their “Life Stress Blueprint” for greater success, both personally and professionally, so they can achieve stress free success.
To be stressless, live more, succeed effortlessly, and achieve ultimate freedom to thrive.
Yes, specifically Conscious Energy Breathing.
It is the most profound transformative discipline I have discovered, one that can turn a person’s life into a living testament of all that is good.
It will bring you back to your core being, realign your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and reconnect your heart mind coherence.
It is total madness.
What do wars have to do with “CIVILIZATION”?
Nothing civil in that.
As far back as recorded history, we have done nothing but fight wars.
Even the ancient Vedic scriptures describe epic battles fought among the gods.
It is pure insanity, madness.
In the name of God, people were beheaded, burned, tortured, boiled, and drowned.
There’s absolutely nothing humane in that at all.
It is not who we are but what we have been manipulated to become.
Any more difficult questions?
Is there ever the greatest lesson?
I will be learning up to the day I expel my last breath.
However, it’s not so much about the greatest lesson as it is about discovering the unfathomable depth and profound, overwhelming power of LOVE.
My wish is to inspire everyone I meet.
Make it your goal and purpose to make sure that everyone you meet during the day feels enriched by their encounter with you.
Be kind, be loving, give a compliment, be attentive, and show gratitude.
It fills us with more love and compassion for one another and brings us closer to a better and brighter world.
If you liked this interview and if you would love to overcome your “Life Stress Blueprint” for greater personal and professional success, get on a free 30 minute complementary call and see how Coach Robert can help you achieve that.
Feel free to check his website where you can find a lot more about him and his coaching.
If you’d like to peak a glimpse into his coaching, subscribe to his YouTube channel and follow his Facebook page.
And if you’d like to connect more personally with him, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sending him a direct message on his Email It was an honor having this interview with him.
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