The Dr. Dolores Show: Transitioning Worlds and How to Navigate Change With Grace


Dr. Dolores Fazzino, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer

Are you feeling the push and pull of life’s transitions?

Shifting from one chapter to another can feel overwhelming and uncertain, but it’s also an invitation to evolve.

In this episode of The Dr. Dolores Show, we’ll explore the art of transitioning worlds and embracing change with clarity and confidence.

Learn how to navigate these shifts with grace, let go of what no longer serves you, and step into new possibilities with ease.

The Dr. Dolores Show: How to Navigate Change With Grace


Change is the only constant in life.

No matter how much we try to avoid it, life keeps evolving, shifting, and moving forward.

As Dr. Dolores Fazzino wisely says, when people resist change, it’s often because they are trying to control what has been, rather than opening themselves up to what could be.

Why Do We Resist Change?

Resisting change is a natural human tendency.

We find comfort in what is familiar, even if those familiar things no longer serve us.

There is a false sense of security in clinging to the past.

But as Dr. Fazzino points out, when we hold onto old patterns and ways of being, we block ourselves from receiving the new opportunities that life wants to offer.

Change is a natural process of letting go of what no longer aligns with us so that something better can emerge.

When we resist, we create tension and stress within ourselves.

But when we surrender and allow change to flow, we step into a space of ease and possibility.

Asking ourselves simple but powerful questions like, “Am I resisting change or flowing with it?” can bring clarity and help us shift into a more accepting mindset.

The Importance of Awareness and Observation

One of the keys to embracing change is staying aware and present, especially when life triggers us.

According to Dr. Fazzino, the more awake and conscious we are, the more capable we are of going with the flow, even during challenging moments.

Rather than getting caught up in the drama of a situation, we are called to become observers, to witness what is happening without immediately reacting.

Instead of slipping into automatic “react mode,” Dr. Fazzino encourages us to shift into “reflect mode.”

This means taking a step back, breathing, and responding with awareness rather than reacting out of fear or habit.

When we observe without judgment, we give ourselves space to see the bigger picture and navigate change with more grace.

Trusting Yourself Through Embodiment

Another essential aspect of flowing with change is being fully present in your body.

Dr. Fazzino emphasizes that trusting yourself begins with being connected to your physical body.

When we are grounded and embodied, we can better sense what is right for us, hear our intuition, and stay calm in the midst of uncertainty.

Being in the body helps us stay present rather than getting lost in anxious thoughts about the past or future.

Whether through mindful movement, deep breathing, or simple awareness of physical sensations, connecting to the body brings us back to our center, a place of inner strength that can handle any change life brings.

Change as an Opportunity for Growth

While change can feel scary and overwhelming, it can also be exciting and full of potential.

Dr. Fazzino reminds us that change is, at its core, an invitation to grow.

It is a chance to evolve beyond our current limitations and step into a new version of ourselves.

Often, when we are no longer energetically aligned with certain situations, relationships, or environments, they naturally start to fall away.

Although this can feel uncomfortable at first, it is actually a sign that we are making space for something better to enter our lives.

By trusting this natural process, we can begin to see change not as a loss, but as a necessary step toward our growth and fulfillment.

You Are More Resilient Than You Think

One of the most empowering messages from Dr. Fazzino is the reminder that you are far more resilient than you realize.

Even when faced with unexpected change, you have an inner strength that can carry you through.

Sometimes, we need to let go of the belief that we are fragile and start recognizing how much we have already overcome.

Flowing with change is about trusting the process and trusting yourself.

It is about being present with what is and knowing that you are safe and supported, even when the path ahead is unclear.

Dr. Fazzino beautifully reminds us that we are never alone in this process and that life supports us when we choose to flow rather than resist.

The Beauty of Surrendering to Change

Ultimately, change is a natural part of life.

Fighting it only creates suffering.

But when we surrender to the flow of life, we open ourselves to growth, healing, and transformation.

Change is not here to punish us, it is here to guide us to the next chapter of our journey.

So the next time you find yourself holding on tightly or feeling afraid of what’s coming, pause and reflect.

Ask yourself whether you are resisting or flowing.

Remember that embracing change means embracing life itself.

You are safe.

You are supported.

And you are more than capable of flowing effortlessly through every transformation that life brings your way.

Tune in to this episode and discover how to master the transitions in your life with resilience and grace.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform change into your greatest ally!


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What to Look for In This Episode of The Dr. Dolores Show:

  1. The only constant in the world right now is change. (1:35)
  2. When people are in resistance to change, we put the brakes on because we try to control what has been. (7:33)
  3. The more awake that you are, the more able you are to go with the flow even if you’re being triggered. (9:27)
  4. We must witness & observe and not get caught up in the drama. (10:48)
  5. Don’t go into react mode but go into reflect mode. (11:27)
  6. Regarding change, when we release the old, we leave a space for the new to come forward.” Dr. Dolores Fazzino “(12:47)
  7. Being in your physical body is essential for being able to trust yourself. (15:32)
  8. “Are you resisting change or flowing with it?” Dr. Dolores Fazzino (22:45)
  9. When you resist change, you could be holding onto the past. (23:19)
  10. Change can be scary, but it can also be exciting. (24:46)
  11. When we are no longer energetically aligned with things, they tend to fall away. (25:18)
  12. You are more resilient than you give yourself credit for. (26:43)
  13. Flowing with change is about being present and trusting the process. (28:30)
  14. You are safe. You are supported. You are flowing effortlessly through change. (44:22)
  15. Change is an invitation to grow. (48:34)


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I am Awake, Now What
Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, an International Amazon Best Selling Author, TV, Podcast, and Radio host. With over 45 years-experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assist people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible. Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness. She is the author of 5 books, two which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her latest book “Your Amazing Itty Bitty Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible Book” became an Amazon Best Seller October 2022. Dr. Dolores Fazzino is the host of The Dr Dolores Show, a TV, Radio, Podcast with Inspired Choices Network (ICN) streaming to over 300 platforms globally. Contact her at: 760-579-2440
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