If you’re arrested under suspicion of drinking and driving, you might face a DUI charge.
In many jurisdictions, this is a very serious charge that could affect your ability to drive and your future overall.
Depending on the severity of the infraction, previous infractions, and other variables, a DUI charge could land you in prison for a long time, result in the suspension of your license, or saddle you with other consequences.
It’s good that we have laws against intoxicated driving for the safety of everyone on and near the road.
However, sometimes these laws are misused or misapplied, resulting in charges that are eventually dropped or dismissed.
If you have a DUI charge against you, you might be able to contest it, ultimately clearing your name and avoiding any negative consequences.
A lawyer who specializes in DUI charges is going to be your best asset in this fight.
Criminal defense lawyers have significant experience dealing with DUI charges, and they know exactly the best strategies for fighting back against them.
Your lawyer is going to advise you throughout this process, helping you understand DUI charges, helping you gather evidence and investigate the matter, negotiating on your behalf, protecting your rights, and potentially representing you in court.
If you want the best possible results, you need to trust and listen to your lawyer at every step of the process.
They have your best interests at heart, they want to get the charges dropped or dismissed, and they have the experience to know which strategies are going to work best in your particular situation.
Together with your lawyer, you can fight against the prosecution, build a case in your favor, contest individual pieces of evidence, and hopefully emerge unscathed.
With that in mind, there are several approaches that might work for you.
One option is to challenge the stop itself. In most cases, DUI charges stem from an initial traffic stop or DUI checkpoint, where a law enforcement officer pulls you over and evaluates your sobriety.
If the DUI checkpoint itself was illegal, or if the officer didn’t have a valid reason to pull you over, the charges might be thrown out entirely.
Just keep in mind that this isn’t going to apply to all cases.
In many cases, the traffic stop or DUI checkpoint is going to be perfectly legitimate.
If that doesn’t work, you can try to challenge the evidence.
Most pieces of evidence against you can be challenged, and in multiple ways.
You might be able to show that the evidence was gathered illegally, or in a way not compliant with official policies.
If this is the case, the evidence could be withdrawn or dismissed.
You might also be able to challenge the accuracy or legitimacy of the evidence by undermining the tools or evaluation methods used to gather it.
For example, you might be able to show that breath tests are historically inaccurate, or explain why an officer didn’t conduct a field sobriety test correctly.
Another strategy to contest DUI charges is to show that your rights were violated at some point in the process.
If you weren’t arrested or processed correctly, the charges may no longer stand.
For example, if the arresting officer didn’t read you your Miranda rights, or if they treated you in ways that violated your natural rights, the charges could be dropped entirely.
If you have a lawyer with you at all times, they’ll be on the lookout for these infractions.
Otherwise, take detailed notes about how you were treated at every step of the process.
A plea bargain is a negotiated deal between the prosecution and defense in a criminal matter.
In exchange for pleading guilty, the prosecution may agree to a crime of lesser severity or a different crime altogether.
In some cases, this is your best move.
In the future, it’s best to avoid situations in which DUI charges could ever arise.
Don’t drink and drive.
No matter how good of a driver you think you are or how sober you think you are, any amount of intoxication should lead you to seek an alternative mode of transportation home.
When driving, make a concentrated effort to obey all laws and posted signs.
This will minimize your chances of getting pulled over, regardless of your mental state.
Drive carefully at all times, and look out for the safety of other drivers and pedestrians.
Obviously, it’s better to never drink and drive.
But if you do end up facing DUI charges, it’s in your best interest to contest them.
Hire the best criminal defense lawyer you can afford, trust their advice, and move forward cautiously to maximize your chances of success.
And remember, too much alcohol is not good for you.
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