Small Steps of Enlightenment


I invite you to read these poems with an open heart.

Let them challenge you, inspire you, and perhaps even guide you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose…


Engage with another with the intent to give and not to take,
Don’t put up a play that is fake.

Don’t look down on others, believing you are somewhat more,
Don’t kick others on the floor.

Don’t control nor manipulate,
Don’t interfere in another’s fate.

Don’t lie, stick to the truth,
And honor your loving roots.

Don’t be lazy and let others do the work,
Don’t put on another dirt.

Don’t steal the energy of others, their gold,
So that you are warm and they are cold.

Don’t use the goodwill of another,
Deny “big brother!”

Rage, dark thoughts, bad feelings are wrong,
Prefer to sing a loving song.

It does not matter what situation you are in,
Use your heart as a compass on how to begin,

To include love, empathy, and understanding in your life,
You will benefit in your afterlife.

Don’t judge another by their weight, their look, or their cash book,
Take the mirror and take a critical look,

At the condition of your own heart,
Listen wisely to my art.

Indeed, try not to judge, but better understand,
And offer a supportive hand.

Don’t cheat on your beloved partner, wife, or husband,
If you are co-parenting, for the child’s sake, be accustomed.

Be honest and don’t lie,
Try not to make anybody cry.

Don’t interfere in another’s timeline, unless it is morally correct,
While this word is ambivalent, that is a fact.

Referring to the system and its guards,
The falling house of cards.

Don’t harm,
Don’t put up a false charm.

Don’t care for the neighbor’s garden’s condition,
Plant your own flowers with ambition.

Honor the other one’s perspective,
Even if it does not meet the taste of the collective.

Always listen to the perspective of both parties involved,
Work out clearance of issues unresolved.

Don’t gossip about,
Don’t listen to others and doubt.

Peaceful communication is the key,
Leave others free,

On how they want to live,

Accept another’s beliefs and view,
Don’t reside in a toxic relationship that is based upon glue.

Believe me, you have enough issues on your own plate,
Concentrate on your own fate.

Help and protect the poorer, the weaker, and others in need,
Offer them a feed.

Don’t exchange your faithful partner with a younger one,
Just to have a little more fun.

Let your kids be free when they are grown,
Learn how to happily live alone.

My grown child, I want you to be happy, be free,
When you need me, I will be there, you will see.

Don’t burden others with your own stuff,
Take responsibility with pride, even if it is tough.

Try to find solutions for the highest good of all,
So that nobody has to experience a painful fall.

Be full of honor, decency, and pride,
And you might embark on the golden ride,

To be free,
Sealed by the number 3.

What is most correct and beneficial in each situation,
Accept the culture and view of a different nation.

Be a proud representative of the lovine,
And the sun will shine.

Spread love whenever you can,
Be a supportive Sam.

While at the same time, you must balance love for self,
A healthy myself.

You and your kind require the utmost care,
So take your own share.

But not at the cost of others; if possible, no harm,
Communicate your healthy boundaries with charm.

Sometimes harm cannot be avoided,
Watch out that you are not being exploited.

You are being judged by your account of love,
Scrutinized by the omnipotence of love above.

And yes, there is better and worse in humankind,
Mind and soul in unconditional love aligned.

May you be honest and pure,
Let your heart compass be your cure.

Let us bring heaven on earth,
A loving rebirth.

Life is a constant test,
May your rue be blessed.

Don’t see with your eyes but instead with your heart,
And you might have won a joker card,

To enter the kingdom of unconditional love,
Far above.

Stephanie Weiss, 05.03.2025

Oh Spirit of White,
Let’s be honest here, you yourself are sometimes wild.

Your cheeky, sarcastic tongue, but your nature oh so mild,
Deep within, sometimes still a charming child.

Sometimes making a mistake,
And often eating too much cake.

But constantly serving your source,
Utilizing your incredible and powerful force.

Trying every day to be more enlightened,
Protecting others, making sure they are not frightened.

She walks this unwalked road and carries this burden on her shoulder,
A true loving shareholder.

We will speak about “Spirit of White” in a different book,
So that you can take a more precise look.

Stephanie Weiss, 06.03.2025

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