Find Life Coach | Meet Ulrika Karlsson: How to Transmute Unconscious Fear Based Programs and Unleash More of Your Inner Life Force Energy?


Ulrika Karlsson is one of the coaches that we found this month and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her courage and strength to stand for what she believes.

She didn’t have it easy. Imagine being on the brink of despair, depressed, burnt out, and battling severe insomnia, yet finding a way to not just survive but thrive. This is the story of a resilient woman who, after facing profound challenges, turned her darkest moments into a source of light for others.

She has un unshakeable faith in what she is teaching. From being a single, suicidal mother of two with no income to becoming a beacon of hope and healing, her journey is nothing short of inspiring. Now, as a holistic coach, she combines embodied wisdom, intuition, and an array of healing modalities to guide her clients toward freedom, flow, and alignment in Body, Mind, and Soul.

She has a unique approach to coaching that goes beyond mental knowledge, helping individuals transmute inner stress and trauma into clarity, balance, and vitality. This is a testament to the power of transformation and the incredible resilience of the human spirit. Here is what she said…

Meet Life Coach Ulrika Karlsson:


Name: Ulrika Karlsson

Pillar: The Spirit, The Mind, The Body, The Heart

Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to transmute unconscious fear based programs and unleash more of their inner Life force energy.

How they can help: By using various tools and techniques like Yoga, tantra, different healing modalities, readings from the Akashic records, and applied quantum physics just to name a few.

First of all, how are you and your family doing after these Pandemic times?

We are doing great, healthy and vibrant. Right now I have left cold and dark winter in Sweden, where I am born and raised, and I am currently enjoying 6 Months of “beachlife” in South of Spain.

I Live as a free Spirit in a Free Body.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

Well, not only my clients but most of the world went into unconscious fears, of flight, fright or freeze, and did what they were told.

I did not.

I consciously chose not to take the so called “vaccine”, so I was called out to be a murderer, people and clients threatened me, all my business went down.

All my clients left.

I was silenced, shadow banned and censored on social media.

My books were censored, and there was no debate.

I used to do 4 yoga trips per year with a travel agency but they threw me out in the cold as I did not take the “vax”.

It was very challenging to be a threatened minority in my own country, like an outcast.

I had to live on my savings.

I became depressed and did not want to live in this harsh, two faced societey.

So I chose from dying at my own terms or get a dog.

I got a dog, and she literally saved my life!!!

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

That most people are still goverend by unconscious fear based programs and cannot think for themselves.

That many people do what they are told from outer authorities without listening to their own inner knowing.

That people who are afraid are capable of almost anything to avoid feeling the fear…

That we have a lot of work to do to clear out old karmic unconscious programs based on fears and lack, or scarcity.

This is one of my Soul´s mission here, to help people move from headspace and unconscious fears, into the body, connect deeper with the Heart and the embodied wisdom within!

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

I started with the line of work that I do, after I was depressed, burnt out and suicidal.

I could not go back to my job “in the Matrix” as a physiotherapist or as a pre school teacher as it was way to stressful and dysfunctional workplace for me.

So I had to create my own business, and I truly know my work works as I am here, alive and vibrant!

Otherwise I would have been long time dead…

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

2008 I was depressed, with severe sleeping disorders.

I only slept 15 min per night.

This led into panic attacks, anxiety, deep depression and being suicidal.

At the same time my husband at the time left me, so all of a sudden I was a single, depressed, and suicidal mom of 2 children, with no income.

That was tough and challenging to say the least!

That is when I started to heal myself, and explore and design different Healing modalities in combination, that I now teach and guide others with.

And also, as I wrote in the previous answer, to be threatened, a minority in my own country, out in the cold, with no income or job, being silenced etc. made me depressed.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

Everything I teach, and guide my clients into, I have done and experienced myself.

I walk the talk, and I teach my clients how to embdy their knowledge so it becomes embodied wisdom instead.

This goes far deeper than just “mental knowledge” and is much more sustainable for the individual, as well as the collective consciousness.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

It is holistic, not only mental knowledge but experienced in my own Life and therefor, embodied.

I teach (guide) from my embodied wisdom and my great intuition!

I feel, see, know the imbalances in my clients, and how they can transmute their inner stress, fears, traumas, unepressed emotions etc. into higher states of consciousness, Freedom, Flow and Alignment in Body, Mind and Soul.

I walk the talk.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

A regulated nervous system.

More inner peace, more balance, freedom, flow and alignment in Body, Mind and Soul.

Better sleep.

More clarity.

Less stress, less pain, less siffness, rigidness.

Hormone balance.

An increased consciousness and increased energy level.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

Yes of course, I use all tools in my big toolbox in different combinations, from Yoga, tantra, healing modalities, to readings in the Akashic records, applied quantum physics, dearmouring etc.

I also use my great intuition and inner knowing about the client(s) to get them more free, balanced and aligned in Body, Mind and Soul.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

To always be on the move, on the go, whether it is physically, mentally, emotionally, in a project, in an activity, to be the “good girl or guy” and to work a lot are unconscious programs.

Live Life fully! Do Less and Be More, connect with me to know how!

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

That I am the creator in my own Life, there is no one out there that I can blame and that I am radically responsible for my feelings, my thoughts, behavious, etc.

And for the Life I want to create from Love rather than from fears!

That I am a free thinker, a free spirit that lives in a free body.

That I have a big Soul mission.

Your final thoughts?

We are in a big paradigm, a big ascension process to increase the individual and thereby the collective consciousness.

We are moving from lower vibrational fear based unconscious programs to more higher vibrational Heart centered consciousness.

I am here to help people with this, to transmute unconscious fear based programs stored in the Body, into more alignment and freedom in Body, Mind and Soul.

The more inner shadows we transmute the more acces to our inner Life force energy we have!

Connect with me to know more.

Where Can You Find Ulrika Karlsson?

If you liked this interview and if you would love to transmute unconscious fear based programs so you can unleash more of your inner Life force energy, go to and see how Coach Ullis can help you do that.

If you’d like to peak a glimpse from her coaching, follow her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

And if you’d like to connect with her more personally, you can do that through LinkedIn or by sending her a message on her Email [email protected]. It was an honor having this interview with her.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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