5 Symptoms You Will Experience When Your Pineal Gland Fully Activates

7 years ago

The Pineal Gland, which lies near the hypothalamus, is considered as the third eye. It controls the vital functions of…

5 Fears You Need To Overcome To Achieve Your Dreams And Purpose In Life

7 years ago

Fears are normal emotions of every human being. While the feelings of fear help us, in a way, to prevent…

How To Make Up With Your Lover After A Fight Based On Their Zodiac Sign

7 years ago

Misunderstandings or disagreements come up from time to time in a healthy relationship. A weak relationship can be seen when…

The Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening And Its Side Effects

7 years ago

According to the Dharma, Kundalini refers to  a spot on our bodies that is found at the end of the…

10 Warning Signs That Tell You Need A Spirit Detox

7 years ago

Health conscious people always see to it that they do physical exercises, watch what they eat, and make sure they…

Research Shows That Sitting For Longer Hours Makes You Age Faster

7 years ago

Research shows that prolonged sitting is detrimental for your body. If you want to live longer, sit less and move more.…

5 Signs Someone Is In Love With You Most People Do Not Even Realize They Show!

7 years ago

Human beings are good at interpreting the actions of other people. Only that, most of our presumptions aren't right. It…

5 Spiritual Perspectives Backed By Science That Will Make You See A Happier World

7 years ago

Apparently, our view of ourselves and the world around us is based on our actual experiences of it. Our world…

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