With the past 2 months being all hardcore about new beginnings, integration and implementation, it's time for a little fun.…
While meditation is a great way to feel better and lighter, there are just some days that you are unable…
An Alpha Personality is one of the types of personalities that many are attracted to. Some people might find them…
This is probably one of the most difficult times for raising up kids in modern human history. With the advent…
Your soul mate is that special someone you agreed to meet before you come into this world, some would say.…
To live a highly spiritual existence is not as complicated as you might think. It's not that weird either. Being…
Everyone we meet in life is there for a reason. Some people awake the worst in us while others inspire…
Shamans are healers who possess higher consciousness. They can peak into other realms of existence and see a bigger picture…
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