The One Main Difference Between Life Partners And Soulmates…

8 years ago

Most often, we confuse a Life Partner with a Soulmate. We longingly ask for a Soulmate to come when we…

These Are The 4 Secret Steps To Access The Akashic Records…

8 years ago

"When we allow our soul to guide us, we are always shown the way." - Sue Krebs Akashi is a…

9 Signs You Are At High Levels Of Advanced Awakening

8 years ago

For the past few months, people have been noticing some changes in their energy. Our bodies adjust to the existing…

3 Ways To Awaken Your ‘Inner Healer’ And Activate Your Powers…

8 years ago

Has your heart been broken? It's one of those tough experiences. Your world seemed to crumble and fall at first.…

8 Ways Lao Tzu Says You Can Achieve True Happiness

8 years ago

A man's strength and well being lay in the arms of happiness, according to China's ancient philosopher and founder of…

According To A Recent Psychological Study, This Is The One Biggest Cause For Depression…

8 years ago

In a recent scientific study by LeMoult, J., et. al, it was stated that "...negatively biased self-referential processing contributed unique…

20 Signs Your Soul Is Getting Quantum Upgrades

8 years ago

Activation has been set off! Lightworkers, volunteers, and earth warriors have to embrace, activate and integrate these upgrades. They have…

How To Connect With Your Spirit Team

8 years ago

Before your physical journey on earth, a Spirit Team has been assigned to you. Your Spirit Team guides, protects, comforts,…

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