THIS Is What Fukushima Is REALLY Doing To The Oceans After 5 Years!

9 years ago

If you spend too much time on the wrong side on the internet you may find yourself paranoid about many…

THIS Image Sums Up The Effects Of Global Warming In ONE Photo!

9 years ago

This picture of a polar bear in Svalbard had many people concerned, creating a realization within many of us. We’ve…

This POWERFUL Video Reveals Why People’s Opinions Of You Aren’t Real!

9 years ago

When we were kids we were the best versions of ourselves. Would you agree? We didn't care what the world…

Do You Belong To The New 1% Of The Population That Will Overthrow The Global Elite?

9 years ago

When we say "The Global Elite" we think of the wealthiest 1% who thrive through global consumerism. They don't care…

Being TOO GOOD Is A Sickness! THIS Is Why…

9 years ago

Since we are born we are taught about the oldest war; The battle between GOOD and EVIL; darkness and light; But…

THIS Is What Would Carl Jung Say About 2016…

9 years ago

Carl Gustav Jung died 55 years ago. Along Sigmund Freud he was one of the greatest minds that ever walked…

14 Characteristics You Might As Well Be The Chosen One To Change The World Into A Better Place

9 years ago

Spiritual people call them the "Indigo Children" while psychologists call them people with ADHD and ADD. However, what is considered…

A New Scientific Breakthrough Makes SHOCKING Claim That Octopus DNA Is Alien!

9 years ago

According to a new breakthrough study, the Octopuses DNA is not of this world! That is right, their genome is…

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