This is The Feeling You Get when You Face Your Fears!

10 years ago

No matter who you are, you are afraid of something. We all are! Fear is not something you get over…

The 73 BEST Life Quotes Created on Earth!

10 years ago

Earth was formed somewhere around 4.6 billion years ago. Humanity is on Earth only 200.000 years. In this small amount…

Do You Know You were Most Likely Part of a Facebook Experiment ?

10 years ago

In June, Facebook researchers announced the results of a 2011 study that manipulated the news feeds of nearly a million…

Run a Marathon! – A Complete Guide for Beginners (INFOGRAPHIC)

10 years ago

If you read my blog you know how much I’m annoying about running. There are countless other exercises but I…

THIS is The Secret to WIN at LIFE: Go into The EYE of The Storm!

10 years ago

There is a storm! A storm unlike any other! Every place the storm passed through is left a wasteland. It…

Leonardo DiCaprio Asks EVERYONE to Stop Pretending!

10 years ago

“I stand before you not as an expert but as concerned citizen.” is how Leonardo DiCaprio starts his speech at…

What is Real ? – 8 Bit Philosophy

10 years ago

In the Plato’s allegory of The Cave we are diving into one great question, what is real? The Cave Plato…

To Be or Not to Be Vegetarian ? – Choose Your Story

10 years ago

I was thinking, how to make reading articles more fun? What can I do to improve the entertainment of reading?…

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