Swadhaya: The Power of Self Study and Surrender

Self-study, or Swadhyaya, and surrender, known as Ishwara Pranidhana, are ancient practices that can transform the way we see ourselves and navigate...

9 Types of Abuse You Didn’t Know Were Abuse!

Abuse comes in many forms, and it’s not always as obvious as physical harm. Emotional and psychological abuse can...

What Can We Learn About Suppressed Emotions from The Recent Assassination of the CEO...

Recent events have cast a shadow over the healthcare industry, reminding us of the profound consequences of misguided actions.

Knowledge of Inner Peace Isn’t the Experience of Inner Peace: Why Your Personal Practice...

When you're learning to cook, what makes you a good cook? Is it just from reading books and recipes? Or does your...

Unconditional Love: The Greatest Lesson from My Dad

Have you ever experienced a moment that completely changed your perspective on love and family? Let me share a...

7 Signs You are Listening to Your Ego and Not Your Intuition

Most people who excel in their area of expertise like inventors, gurus, geniuses and teachers attribute their achievements to intuition. Intuition is the guiding voice...

Questions That Change Lives: The Power of Self Inquiry

The key to transforming your life is not about finding all the answers but about asking the right questions.

How to Adopt a Boxless Mindset: The University of Abundance

Hey there, fellow innovator! In a world filled with societal expectations, rigid structures, and predefined paths, it’s no surprise...

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