Time Lapse Video Of A Falling Tsunami Will Make You Realize How Powerful Nature’s...

Look into nature, and then you will understand everything. — Albert Einstein In the story of creation, life begins with Nature. It's created before us to...

Eye Opening Depiction Of How Small We Actually Are Compared To The Universe

We go through our day stressing about someone being rude, about the traffic, about our work. We get angry, mad, sad for things that...

Neil deGrasse Tyson Answers What Is The One Most Astounding Fact About Our Universe

Have you ever asked yourself, what is the one most astounding fact about The Universe and reality? What is the one fact that leaves...

Epic Scene From Planet Earth Showing The Mesmerizing Beauty Of Our Planet

Do you know how old our planet is? More than 4 and a half billion years. Can you imagine how long that is? It's...

6 Thought Provoking Ways A Shaman Perceives Mental Illness Differently

Mental illness is often referred to as a disorder that causes changes in someone's behaviors and emotion. It's perceived as a disease that needs...

After Watching This Video You Will Realize The World Is Full Of Miracles

It's normal for the average human to complain throughout the day. It's normal to pretend we are the punching bag. It's normal to think the...

The 3 Types Of Complainers You Should Avoid

Science says the human brain is malleable. Meaning, you have the capacity to change the circuitry of your brain by thinking. “In depression, there’s nothing...

5 Simple Ways How To Grow Spiritually Every Single Day In The Modern World

Most of us believe that spirituality is an aspect of our lives that should be separate from what we do every day. It's as if,...

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