How To Be The Best Self: 3 Things To Do This September To Be...
We realized how important self care really is so we dedicated the last month exactly on what you needed to nurture your self.
This month...
Astrology And Cosmic Update For September 2018: Here is What September is Bringing for...
The past couple of months were really intense in terms of energy. They demanded us to go deep within, to face our shadows.
These intense...
5 Bad Habits That Weaken Your Energy Field And Positive Habits To Replace Them...
Your energy field or the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds you depends much on your health and lifestyle.
It reflects your personal energy and affects...
Why Do Mentally Strong People Never Succumb To Self Pity
One of the factors that make people mentally strong is their ability to keep a healthy confidence at any odd that comes their way.
5 Aretha Franklin Quotes That Will Leave A Mark On Your Heart
America's Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, passed away on the 16th of August at the age of 76.
Franklin might have been destined to touch...
Centenarian Villagers From A Small Village Share 5 Secrets To Their Longevity
Nowadays, humanity's lifespan is the longest that has ever been in known human history. However, due to unhealthy choices, longer life poses a great...
The 7 Traits All Fake Friends Have In Common
Friendships are one of the best things in life. They are literally midway between a sibling relationship and a romantic one. They embody the...
The 3 Things A Healthy Relationship Must Have To Thrive
What happens when you stop nurturing a relationship with care and attention?
It gradually begins to recede into the background until it dies.
Hence it is...