How To Raise The Frequency Of The World In 7 Easy Steps

An increasing number of people believe that our planet needs a consciousness revolution if we want to see a safer and better world. But we...

9 Revolutionary Thoughts That Will Help You Improve Yourself To A Whole New Level

We have come to the point in time where more and more people are embracing new ideas, thoughts, or concepts that can revolutionize their...

If You Are Able To Say ‘Yes’ To These 5 Questions All Your Relationships...

We want to be acknowledged, to be recognized, to be seen. It's not that we demand for selfish attention. But it's inherent in our human...

Most People Avoid Empaths Because Of These 3 Main Reasons

If there's one word we can use to describe an empath's journey, it would be 'challenges'. From feeling other people's pain to absorbing the...

The 9 Most Important Lessons By Osho They Should Have Taught Us In School

Shree Rajneesh is an Indian mystic and spiritual leader. Widely known as Osho, Rajneesh taught about meditation, love, and courage. For him, every human being...

If Everyone Applies Just These 3 Small Changes In Their Life We Will Heal...

Saving or healing the world does not require some heroic task that culminates in a war between good and evil. It's much simpler than...

The 6 Step Formula In Achieving Amor Fati

Friedrich Nietzsche claimed that his greatness stemmed from following the formula of amor fati or a love of fate. “My formula for greatness in a human...

6 Reasons You Should Kiss Your Loved Ones On The Forehead Every Day

A kiss is a symbol of love and affection. But there are different types of kisses and each of them holds its own magic. We...

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