The First Image You See Determines The Hidden Flaws of Your Personality That Hold...

Knowing yourself is an ongoing process that may even take a lifetime of diligent work. There are a zillion things that shape you into...

15 Quotes by Chanakya That Shatter Every Fakery of Life!

Truth is really rare these days. I mean real truth, the one that penetrates through all the pretense and speaks directly to your honest...

The 4 Key Reasons Why Your Twin Flame Can’t Recognize You

Meeting our Twin Flame is one of the best things that one can experience in life. It's like finding your long lost home after...

44 Life Themes Everyone Chooses Before Incarnation: Which One Did You Choose?

In her book My Guide, Myself, Sylvia Brown elaborated that before incarnating in planet Earth, we choose a particular Life Theme for our life. And according...

Studies Show That Husbands Stress Women Twice As Much As Children

Unfortunately, many women feel like they are a parent to their partners as well, and lack their support. This drains their energy and causes...

7 Short And Powerful Rituals You Can Do to Live a Happy Life

Creating a change in your life does not have to be too complicated, even the process doesn't have to be too long. Small changes done...

The 12 Dimensions Of Consciousness We Have To Awaken To Reach a Level Beyond...

Dimensions organize the different planes of existence based on their vibration rate. Each of these dimensions follows a certain set of laws and principles...

5 Ways to Heal Yourself From Spiritual Exhaustion That Comes After Spiritual Awakening

There comes a point in your life where you feel depleted and exhausted, especially after a spiritual awakening. While the feelings that come with it...

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