6 Ways to Shield Yourself From Low Vibration Energies Without Avoiding Anyone
Positive and negative energies are all around us. Being connected mentally and energetically with everything else, picking up some of these energies is guaranteed.
12 Most Common Signs Your Consciousness Raises to Higher Levels of Vibration
A 'Vibrational Shift' occurs when your consciousness raises from lower to a higher vibration. This usually happens during a spiritual awakening.
With this shift, your...
30 Traits Of Someone Who Is A Spiritual Healer
"A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power...
Here is What Your Ex Misses The Most From You Based On Your Zodiac...
Every person has an amazing personality, even those who appear to be mostly misunderstood. It's because we each are given a uniqueness that only...
7 Things People With High Emotional Intelligence Do Differently Than Others
In the past decades, people with high intelligence quotient were admired. But as humanity evolves, highly emotionally intelligent beings are gradually recognized.
People with high...
7 Steps to Purify Your Life by Eliminating Clutter In Your Home
A cluttered surrounding usually creates a cluttered thinking. This is so true when you have accumulated things that you seldom use or even never...
What You Should Know About The Divine Significance of 1111 Before This November 11th
The language of The Universe is geometry and each number has its own geometry and vibration.
The Divine Meaning of 1111
The number 1111 is often...
Choose The Mandala That Resonates With You The Most to Reveal What Kind of...
The word "mandala" comes from Sanskrit which means circle. It is a geometric structure that is dominated by triangles and squares organized around a...