If You Have Any Of These 9 Traits You Might Be A Multipotentialite Empath…

Many people struggle finding their life purpose, especially the Empaths. Feeling confused as to whether we are walking the ‘right occupational path’ is all too...

How Each Finger On Your Hand Is Connected To A Specific Planet According To...

There is a deep connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. The shape of galaxies, the formation of clouds, the ratio between music notes, everything...

7 Easy Ways To Quickly Get Your Energy Back When You Are Feeling Tired

You are going through your day and suddenly you feel an energy drop. That's usually around 3PM when our body needs a rest, a...

Woman Started Consuming Cucumbers Every Single Day And She Noticed 3 Incredible Changes To...

There is emerging knowledge on the benefits of cucumber. It has an abundance of nutrients which cut risks of breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate...

7 Sure Ways To Achieve ‘Joie De Vivre’ (Delight Of Being Alive)

Being alive is not the same as living. Most people just exist, they live their whole lives without ever FEELING what it really means to...

How To Make Best Decisions

In every second that passes by, we make different decisions. It doesn’t matter if it is a small decision (whether to eat a sandwich or...

29 Signs Subtle Energies Have Big Inluence In Your Life

Matter and the physical world add up to less than 5% of The Universe according to science. So we are literally blind, with our...

How A 70 Year Old Woman Who Went Sugar Free 28 Years Ago Looks...

Carolyn Hartz gave up eating processed sugar almost 30 years ago after years of being ‘addicted’ to sweets. Today she boasts a bikini body and...

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