Every Person Has 4 Wives And Husbands In Their Life, According To Buddha…

Gautama Buddha said that each person has 4 wives or husbands in their lives. To understand what he meant you should first read the short...

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Chant “OM”…

Coming from Hinduism and Yoga, the OM mantra is considered to have high spiritual and creative power. But despite this, it has physical benefits...

How Strong Is Your Spiritual Body? These Are The 6 ‘Muscles’ Of Your Spirit…

Just like you have a physical body with muscles that keep it safe and strong, you have a spiritual body with 'muscles' that serve...

Here Is What Happens In The 3rd Eye When We Smoke Cannabis…

It is a well-known fact that the pineal gland responds to psychoactive drugs, but what really happens to the 3rd eye when we use...

Physicists Just Created New State Of Matter: SUPERSOLIDS!

There are 4 fundamental states of matter in The Universe, 12 states that occur at extreme high or low temperatures and countless hypothetical ones...

Know When Anyone Is Lying To You By Looking For These 4 Things…

Scientists have decoded the 4 most common psychological patterns that liars do when telling a lie. We used to look for physiological changes to determine...

14 Characteristics You Might Be Born With Naturally Higher Frequency

Everything is connected through a large entangled network, everything depends on everything else. That's how the collective consciousness is created. Each and every single being...

7 Traits Of The Most Powerful Type Of Empath The Heyoka

An 'Empath' is someone who has a spiritual talent to perceive and understand other people's emotional states. This process usually happens subconsciously and the Empath...

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