THIS Is How To Use The Moon Phases In Your Favor…

Some people find hard to believe that the sun, the moon or any other planet has an effect on us. Yet officers swear that...

If You Experience Any Of These 10 Signs You’ve Found Your ‘Soul Place’ Here...

Your soul is not only your true nature, it is your true place in nature. Your soul is IN and OF the world, like...

THIS Is The Worst Type Of An Emotional Vampire… Watch Out!

Every single one of us has a certain amount of energy to spend throughout the day. How and where we spend our energy is...

These Are The 11 Lessons Prophet Baba Vanga Left For Mankind If We Want...

Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova, known as Baba Vanga was born on 31 January 1911. She was a blind mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist, who spent most...

Scientists Find Blood From Vegans Is 8 Times More Protective Against Cancer

Scientists have found that blood taken from those following a plant-based diet is 8 times more effective at killing cancer cells than blood taken...

Harvard Researchers Claim They’ve Found The Source Of Consciousness!

Consciousness is one of the most misused and confused terminologies of the modern times. It's one thing for psychologists, another for doctors, AI developers and...

THIS Is What It Means If You Were Born Between 2 Zodiac Signs…

Nothing is one thing and suddenly another thing. Everything in Nature has a transition. Even zodiac signs take 6 days to transition from one...

18 Sources Of Protein For People Who Don’t Eat Meat

A common false belief people who refuse to reduce meat consumption have is that there is no other source of protein than meat. In fact,...

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