Air Traffic Control to Pilot ‘You Have A Chemtrail Off Your Left Wing’ [AUDIO]

An air traffic controller told a Southwest pilot he had ā€œa chemtrail off (his) left wingā€ last week ā€“ and it was recorded for...

A Woman Is Reunited With 2 Gorillas She Grew Up With After 12 Years.....

Damian Aspinall, a world known conservationist, began searching the thick forest of Gabon for two gorillas he released 12 years ago. No one knew if...

THIS Is Why You Need To Stop Using Vaseline!

You probably have a jar of Vaseline buried somewhere in your medicine cabinet. Millions of people swear by it as a remedy for chapped...

BREAKING: CIA Releases 13 Million Pages Of Declassified Information Online!

The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate programme, which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists. The move came after...

THIS Is Exactly Why Nikola Tesla Told Us To Study The ‘Non Physical’

ā€œThe day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its...

Hate To Break It To You But You Are The Reason Your Life Sucks...

If you think your life sucks, it probably does. If you think the world is out to get you, it probably is. If you...

BEWARE: Top 5 Potentially Cancer Causing Childrenā€™s Snacks Made From Petroleum-Based Products!

Who doesn't like a good snack? We all love snacks! However, we have to be smart about what we choose to consume! Companies market food...

Unveil ‘The Psychology Of Lying’ From This Simple Infographic And Know When You Are...

You have been lied to sometime in your life. We all have been at a certain point. However, we have all lied too. Lying, believe...

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