The LEGACY Of Muhammad Ali: Top 10 Most Memorable Quotes

It's the spirit of a man that lives on through others. Muhammad Ali had a spirit of a champion and that's not something winning...

Elon Musk Says: “It’s likely we’re living in a simulation and Pong is proof”

Speaking at the Code conference organized by ReCode, Musk said that "...according to the plan, should be able to launch people by 2024, with...

Kid Gives EVIDENCE That Vaccines Cause Autism And His Video Went Viral For Another...

We've spoken here, on Life Coach Code about vaccines and their link to autism, about Robert DeNiro's controversial Anti-vaccination documentary being shut down and...

Cara Delevingne Opens Up About Her Secret Inner Struggles and Wanting To End Her...

Each and every single person fight an inner battle. We all do. The facades you see through your everyday life are just a part...

Kazım Gürbüz, A 95-Year-Old Yogi From Turkey Who Discovered The Fountain of Youth!

This is 95-year-old yoga master Kazım Gürbüz, who looks closer to 50 than 100. Gürbüz still enjoys an active love life and believes everyone...

Why Don’t The Amish Get Cancer?

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control has revealed that Amish people have virtually no cancer within their population, and are considered the most...

What Does Your Food Craving Mean? THIS is What You Should Eat Instead!

We all get those moments of "weakness" when we succumb to our food craving and ruin our diet plan or healthy eating streak. However,...

THIS is How Unbelievably Ignorant Society Was Back In The 50s!

It's a known fact that humanity has evolved through the ages of history. What once was accepted as normal today can be seen as...

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