Your Brain Has A DELETE Button And Here’s How To Use It!

There’s an old saying in neuroscience: "neurons that fire together wire together." This means the more you run a neuro-circuit in your brain, the stronger...

Game of Thrones Actor Peter Dinklage Gives ONE of The Best Speeches You’ll Ever...

Peter Dinklage, most famous for his role on "Game of Thrones" as Tyrion Lannister gave a POWERFUL commencement speech to Bennington College graduates. His honest...

THIS is Why Genius Minds Always Wear The Same Clothes!

A number that shocks the world - people process around 74 GIGABITES of information, every day! That's exactly why most people, especially more intelligent...

Rub THIS Natural Ingredient On Your Skin Tags And They Will Disappear In NO...

Skin tags are common soft skin growths that can appear quickly in inconvenient places. Specifically, they often form around the eyes, on the neck,...

Is THIS The GLOBAL Shift of Large Corporations We’ve All Been Asking For?

Green is going global. More and more countries are getting in on the green energy bandwagon, shifting their energy dependencies from fossil fuel burning...

Kristen Bell Just DESTROYED The Global Stigma About Mental Health By Sharing Something Intimate!

The "Frozen" Star, Kristen Bale reveals something not many know about her past. Bell revealed that she has a family history of mental illness and...

Do You Have An IQ Over 150? If You Solve THIS Problem They Say...

There is no shortage of fun puzzles out there on the Internet, but this one takes the cake for the most viral I’ve ever...

If This Video Doesn’t Wake You Up Nothing Else Will!

There is a saying, the best kind of slaves are the ones that don't even know they are. And look at the world. That's...

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