The Wind Of Your Motionless Ship
Like any ship that sails on wind, every man must have a fire deep inside of him that will keep him going.
I am...
Why The Law of Attraction is Not Working for YOU ?
Let’s clear something out right at the beginning. It's not that The Law of Attraction is not working, The Law of Attraction is not...
Are You The Same Person that Started Reading This ?
Everything changes. That’s a fact, but how long do we stay the same? How do we measure when a change starts happening and ends?...
These 6 Activities Will Boost Your Mood And Make You Fit
Putting your body in a certain positions is proven too boost your serotonin which means your happiness will boost too. There are 6 activities...
23 AWESOME Habits to Make Each Day Your Masterpiece!
Sometimes I get an urge to scream just so other people will listen more. I like to show them how much they miss every...
10 Healthy Eating Habits Most Americans Don’t Know!
It is a real conundrum to separate the healthy from the unhealthy food these days. However, that’s only the first part of the puzzle.
10 Ways How to Spot a Manipulator!
We all get the urge to influence others’ decisions from time to time. Most of us have this desire because we like to help...
These People Reversed their Diabetes in 30 Days through This Method!
Diabetes is a disease that can happen to anyone. From old people to young teenagers everyone has a potential of suffering from Diabetes.
It is...