What’s New

New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!

Three different studies, done by different teams of scientists proved something really extraordinary. But when a new research connected these…

8 years ago

BREAKING: Change Your Passwords Immediately, Massive Web Leak Just Happened!

Add “change all passwords” to your to-do list for today! A massive memory leak from web services and security company…

8 years ago

NASA Makes a Major Announcement: 7 Earth Like Planets Discovered Potentially With Life!

NASA made a huge discovery: 7 Earth like exoplanets were discovered orbiting a dwarf star named Trappist-1, about 40 light-years…

8 years ago

The World Health Organization Says Being Single Is Now A ‘Disability’!

A recent decision by the World Health Organization says Single people may now qualify as "Disabled". And here is why…

8 years ago

Ireland Makes History! Officially Stops All Investments To The Fossil Fuel Industry

Ireland has just announced that they will officially stop all investments in fossil fuels, including coal and oil, which makes…

8 years ago

Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked For The CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent!

In a new book, “Pablo Escobar In Fraganti,” Escobar, who lives under the pseudonym, Juan Sebastián Marroquín, explains his “father…

8 years ago

Sony Has Patented A Contact Lens That Records Videos!

Unlike other forms of contacts and glasses that created an augmented reality or hook you up to the internet, Sony’s…

8 years ago

Robert De Niro And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Offer $100K To Anyone Who Can Prove That Vaccines Are Safe!

Robert De Niro joined Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 15 to hold a press conference about…

8 years ago

15-Year-Old Puts Cancer Industry to Shame! Develops 100% Accurate Cancer Test

Jack Andraka is a 15 year old boy from Crownsville, Maryland who watched a beloved family friend die of pancreatic…

8 years ago

Philosopher Warns Scientists On Live Conference: We Are Creating A World Without Consciousness!

Recently, one of the smartest conferences of modern times took place. It was a deliberate discussion about artificial intelligence among…

8 years ago

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