What’s New

Watch Elon Musk Go Through a Roller Coaster of Emotions as He Watches His Rocket Land!

Humanity might have evolved on this planet, but it was never our fate to perish here. Our purpose is to…

8 years ago

Scientists Make A Shocking Claim That The Speed of Light In The Universe Has Slowed Down!

In 1905, a 26 year old Albert Einstein changed physics forever when he outlined his theory of special relativity. This…

8 years ago

THIS Is Why ‘Green Coins’ Are Becoming A Currency In Amsterdam…

Plastic is a huge part of our modern world. However, it's one of the biggest factors for polluting it too.…

8 years ago

People Will Be Talking About THIS Scene From ‘Planet Earth II’ For A Long Time To Come!

Nature is not all peace and happiness. There is a war amongst animals that has been going on since the…

8 years ago

Here Is The Song That Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent, According To Neuroscientists…

Learning how to manage stress is probably the wisest thing you can do for yourself. We all hate that crippling…

8 years ago

Autistic Son Tries To Answer Homework Question, But When Dad Takes A Second Look His Heart Breaks…

How desperately we try to hide the fact that we need each other. We need human connection almost as much…

8 years ago

The Whole World Is Going Backwards! THIS Is Why…

One of the biggest wisdoms I have ever learned is that there is no straight line in Nature. 'Straight' is…

8 years ago

New Radical Theory SHATTERS What We Know Of Parallel Universes, Space And Time…

Howard Wiseman of Griffith University in Australia led a team that has created a new, groundbreaking theory. The theory suggests…

8 years ago

THIS Mummified Buddhist Monk Comes Back to Life After 89 YEARS! Scientists Remain Baffled…

How can you say if someone is alive or not? You probably think ‘well if their body is alive, they…

8 years ago

NASA Released Shocking Photos Of Planet Earth Revealing The Heartless Damage We’ve Caused!

I was looking at these photos and I was reminded of a scene from “The Matrix” where agent Smith tells…

8 years ago

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