What’s New

The 2 Most Dangerous Numbers in The Universe are Threatening The End of Physics!

It's truly amazing from human perspective when you observe the variables and all the little probabilities that needed to happen…

9 years ago

SHOCKING! Study Confirms that DNA from GMOs Can Pass Directly Into You!

A recent study published in the scientific journal "PLOS ONE" found that large, meal-derived DNA fragments from GMOs are fully…

9 years ago

This Man Is Dating Someone Even Though He’s Married… HOWEVER, You will ADMIRE Him After Reading This!

“I have a confession to make. I'm dating someone even though I'm married. “She's an incredible girl. She's beautiful, smart,…

9 years ago

Try to Watch This 98 Year Old Granny Playing a Piano LIVE Without Crying! I Dare You!

I don't know what it is about old people but when I see one I instantly "hear the emotion train…

9 years ago

Morgan Freeman is Currently On a Quest to UNCOVER The Greatest Secret in The World!

Since the beginning of humanity's history there are a couple of legendary questions that no one ever managed to answer…

9 years ago

Robert De Niro Threatened Into Silence After Backing Up a Controversial Anti-Vaccination Movie!

Robert De Niro is known as a man who values his privacy. But the double Oscar winner opened up about…

9 years ago

Vegetarianism will Save 7,3 Million Human Lives Until Year 2050 and That’s Not All!

1 Million human lives might be saved each year if people accept the vegetarian style of eating, shows a new…

9 years ago

NEUROSCIENCE CONFIRMS: It’s Unbelievable How Much The Subconscious Shapes Our Reality!

Groundbreaking neuroscience confirms what Sigmund Freud first theorized: "what we believe to be the objective reality surrounding us is actually…

9 years ago

The Ancient Hopi Message about Water: (According to Their Prophecy, We are Ready!)

"Water sustains all life. Her songs begin in the tiniest of raindrops, transform to flowing rivers, travel to majestic oceans…

9 years ago

Neuroscience Backs Up The Buddhist Belief that “The Self” Isn’t Constant, but EVER-CHANGING!

If somebody asked "Who are you?" you'd probably start describing yourself as someone with certain qualities and flaws, you'd try…

9 years ago

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