What’s New

Drinking This Miracle Juice Before Exercise Makes The Brain Young, According To New Research…

Drinking beetroot juice before doing an exercise makes the brain of older adults perform more efficiently, mirroring the operations of…

8 years ago

THIS Revolutionary Cannabis Patch Successfully Treats Fibromyalgia and Diabetic Nerve Pain!

A company focused on the healing power of cannabis came out with an effective patch that relieves fibromyalgia symptoms and…

8 years ago

Research Discovered Eating 1 Egg Per Day Is As Bad As Smoking 5 Cigarettes!

A worrying study published in the Journal of Atherosclerosis Research found that regular egg consumption could put your health at…

8 years ago

New Mindboggling Research Proves That Our Hearts Create Their Own Memories!

New exciting research looking into a couple of mysterious heart transplant cases proved something mindboggling: our hearts create their own…

8 years ago

WiFi Experiment Done By A Group Of 9th Grade Students Got Serious International Attention

Researchers from England, Holland and Sweden have shown great interest in the experiment done by 5 girls from northern Jutland…

8 years ago

3,480+ Scientists From All Around The World Just Came Together To Ban Nuclear Weapons For Good!

On 27th of March, more than 3,480 scientists came together from all around the world, to support a call for…

8 years ago

Scientists Find Blood From Vegans Is 8 Times More Protective Against Cancer

Scientists have found that blood taken from those following a plant-based diet is 8 times more effective at killing cancer…

8 years ago

Harvard Researchers Claim They’ve Found The Source Of Consciousness!

Consciousness is one of the most misused and confused terminologies of the modern times. It's one thing for psychologists, another…

8 years ago

If You Hear These Words On Your Phone, Hang up Immediately!

As technology advances there are more and more different ways to be abused for scams and harmful manipulation. No matter…

8 years ago

THIS Homeless Man Was Unrecognizably Transformed! He Bursts Into Tears From Joy…

Society is a result of our evolution as human beings. But sometimes our norms, prejudices and fast paced lifestyles can…

8 years ago

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