Superhuman Academy

There are people around This World worth knowing and learning from, people who discovered their Inner Superhero and ascended into being Super Human, and the secret is.. we are all Superheroes, all you need to do is find your Super. I am meeting and interviewing people who don’t even realize how noble their Spirit is and I help them see how Badass they are. You can be one of them. How? By learning all the secrets of the Superhuman lifestyle and joining the Superhuman University!

What You Need To Know About The First 7 Days Of The Superhuman Upgrade Program

The Superhuman Upgrade is not like any usual program. We do not start slowly, we get right to the cause…

5 years ago

What Do You Get By Decoding Into Superhuman?

The journey is rewarding beyond belief. If you are reading this you joined The Superhuman Academy or you are thinking…

5 years ago

Welcome To The Superhuman Upgrade Program

If you are here, reading this text, if you decided to Decode Into a Superhuman, if you entered into The…

5 years ago

Every Superhuman Asks Themselves 4 Questions To Realize Their Purpose

We are all humans. However, if you want to become a Superhuman you must take initiative to discover your soul's…

5 years ago

The One Thing That Truly Separates The Normal Humans From Superhumans

Being a human you are given many tools that you can use to literally create any reality that you want…

6 years ago

3 Main Character Differences Between Ordinary Humans And Superhumans

The greatest thing you can do to make the world a better place is to become a Superhuman. Let me…

6 years ago

The 3 Default Ways Most People Follow In Order To Find Inner Happiness And What Superhumans Do Instead

If you are like most people your main goal in life is to be happy. Most people obsess over happiness.…

6 years ago

The 4 ‘Sicknesses’ Of Humanity That Superhumans Are Aware Of

To be a superhuman is just another way to divide humanity if you do not understand what the real purpose…

6 years ago

This Metaphorical Short Story Will Show You The Way To Become Superhuman

There once was a chosen one. A person with superhuman potential unlike nothing anyone has ever seen. But there was…

6 years ago

The 3 Main Things Every Person Needs To Transcend In Order To Evolve Into Superhuman

We can become the noble beings that we envision. There is something similar between the gods of old stories and…

6 years ago

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