There are people who are considered alpha. What does it mean to be an Alpha? It implies that the person…
Most of the anxiety we feel is based on thoughts, not reality. Your life is filled with stress. It is…
Being a student is not only about reading dull textbooks, writing boring papers, and attending tedious classes. You also get…
In the modern world stress is inevitable, but learning how to manage it is a choice. We all know how…
“Do only what is necessary and required. Efficiency is elegant. Less is more.” ― Scott Perry If someone approached you…
“Sometimes exhaustion is not a result of too much time spent on something, but of knowing that in its place,…
You are responsible for where you spend your energy. Making a better world is all about how and where do…
You are the master of your own world. Have you ever wondered why the world around you is a certain…
The best version of you is your true self. Can you remember when you were young kid? How it felt…
An empath would go out of their way to help someone, that's why they are often hurt in a relationship.…
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