It’s no secret that happiness and health can be found in what we consider to be “alternative” lifestyles, some of…
This whole year was an year with a theme for emotional transformation and making yourself into a better version of…
Relationships are complicated things. And people who try to act as relationship experts make them even more complicated. Each relationship…
We all want to be successful, but rarely who really understands what being successful means. Success is not something you…
It's not about the cards you were dealt, it's how you play them. Most of psychologists separate the world in…
Before you want others to respect you, you need to respect yourself first. Without self respect you will manifest such…
Someone wise, I can't really remember who, said that life is a series of choices. And at the end of…
There is a saying that if there is no enemy within, there will be no enemy without. And the wisdom…
The last month was more pragmatic and structural. It was about doing certain things that are healthy and positive for…
When we find someone we truly love we are often keen to brag about it to our friends. Finding a…
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