Most of the time people judge you with no knowledge about you or your life. Your personality is strong and…
Making a decision is especially hard when you're confronted with two promising options before you. Giving up one is hard…
People are not perfect, so are relationships. A smooth flowing relationship takes place when both partners put their efforts to…
We have the potential to change our reality by choosing rightly the right actions and receive the potential reaction. 9…
Putting oneself first before others might sound selfish. That could be, when since childhood we're taught to be unselfish and…
In the recent years, science comes to prove that illnesses and stress are closely related. Studies have found many health…
So, you've set all your goals and visualize hard enough to ensure they will come to pass. However, things don't…
Words are powerful. They're even more powerful when you use them in your inner dialogue because anything that is projected…
A healthy self confidence stems from knowing that you have the ability to do something, can deliver valuable results, and…
Thoughts come and go in your mind. While others go naturally, some are likely to stay and influence how your…
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