
How Each Cosmic Change Affects Your Physical Body And Energy

More and more people become aware of our deep connection to The Universe. Even science provides us with explanations of…

7 years ago

10 Signs You Need To Move Up To The Higher Level Of Consciousness Right Away

We are multidimensional beings. Our consciousness stretches from the lower up to the higher dimensions of reality. Our Higher Self…

7 years ago

The Most Important Life Lessons Each Zodiac Sign Has To Learn According To Astrology

Humans are put into this world to learn their lessons and live their purpose. Because each of us has our…

7 years ago

6 Habits Highly Compassionate People Do That Make Everybody Like Them

Compassion is not the same as pity since feeling pity is feeling sorry for other people's state of life and…

7 years ago

7 Things That Hold You Back From Living Your Highest Potential

Fulfilling your highest purpose is your life's calling. It's what all comes down to, it's what gives you meaning. It's…

7 years ago

15 Signs You’ve Met Your Soulmate

Even if nobody is perfect, when your soulmate comes, you might consider them as one. Not every person is compatible…

7 years ago

Astrology And Cosmic Update For May 2018: Here is What May is Bringing for Each Person

The last month was all about discovering our inner light and becoming aware of it. This month is all about…

7 years ago

How To Raise The Frequency Of The World In 7 Easy Steps

An increasing number of people believe that our planet needs a consciousness revolution if we want to see a safer…

7 years ago

The 6 Step Formula In Achieving Amor Fati

Friedrich Nietzsche claimed that his greatness stemmed from following the formula of amor fati or a love of fate. “My formula…

7 years ago

6 Reasons You Should Kiss Your Loved Ones On The Forehead Every Day

A kiss is a symbol of love and affection. But there are different types of kisses and each of them…

7 years ago

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