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Dr. Suchitra The Divorce CoachOffline

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    How do you make a room full of adult professionals weep? By making them connect with their inner child!

    During a phenomenal workshop recently, I was witness to the power of that connection and the energy that gets unleashed […]

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    Is your Ei (Emotional Intelligence) better than your Ai (Artificial Intelligence)?

    ‘So, did you tick the squares which show a cycle or bus or traffic lights?’ 🤔 My friend laughed and […]

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    9 Toxic Behavior Red Flags that You MUST Recognize…

    Before your relationship crashes and sinks due to the toxic behaviour patterns. 5 Verbal Toxic Behavior Red Flags 1. Manipulation: “If […]

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    Are you a grandparent whose son or daughter is getting divorced? Here are 5 tips…

    You can play a very important role in creating safety for your grandchildren at a time when their parents are […]

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    Bigger the heart, bigger the heartbreak? | What We Can Learn from Whales

    Imagine the vast ocean that covers the planet and the creatures so massive and majestic that their hearts alone can […]

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    Why Do Bad Divorces Happen to Good People? | 7 Mindset Shifts to Reframe Divorce

    Sara was angry and frustrated when we spoke. “I did everything I was told! I obeyed my parents, teachers, elders […]

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