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Sundar KadayamOffline

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    The Power of Attention, and The Cure for The ‘Monkey Mind’

    How do you know your thoughts, feelings, body sensations, or perceptions of the world around you? How do you experience […]

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    Don’t Peace Out, Peace In! This is Why You Must Start from Peace…

    Recap of Key Points from this series of articles: Inner peace is not a lofty, distant goal… it is the […]

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    What Meditation Practice Should You Choose: Is Silence Meditation and The Peace Practice Right for You?

    Meditation has been part of ancient spiritual traditions for thousands of years. Modern society is rediscovering this ancient art of […]

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    Introducing the Peace Practice: Offerings to Help You Cultivate Inner Peace

    In the previous two articles in this series, we touched on the profound wisdom that inner peace is your inner […]

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    How to Cultivate Inner Peace? The Art of Silence Meditation

    In the previous article in this series, we touched on the nature and secrets of inner peace. Inner peace is […]

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    Inner Peace Isn’t What You Think It Is! – The Real Nature and Secrets of Inner Peace

    When you think of the term “inner peace”, what ideas or thoughts come to your mind? It may invoke ideas […]

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